Contents of the Manage Jobs Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Jobs screen.


Use the fields in this block to create the job ID, its description, and optionally assign it to a job group. Use to create a new job.

Field Description
Job ID

Use this field to enter an identification code for this job.


Use this field to enter a brief description for this job.

Job Group

Use this drop-down box to select a job group with which you want to associate this job.

Note: You must first establish job groups in the Manage Job Groups screen before you can use this field.


Use this group box to specify additional application failure and priority options for this job ID.

On Application Failure

Use this group box to select how Costpoint proceeds if an entry or step in the process fails during execution on the job server.

Field Description
Use Default

Select this option to use the default function when a step in this job fails. The default functions is based on the following conditions:

  • If the step that failed is a computation or posting function, the process server stops this job.
  • If the step is a report function, the process server continues this job.

Select this option to signal the process server to stop executing this job whenever a step fails.


Select this option to signal the process server to continue executing this job whenever a step fails.


Use this field to enter comments and additional information for this job.

Default Priority

Use this field to enter a default value that determines the priority level for this job in the job server. The job server determines which jobs to process first based on this priority level. You can enter a value from 1 (highest) to 99 (lowest).

Note: Users that have the Allow User to Override Batch Job Priority check box in their user information (in the Manage Users screen), can override the default priority level when submitting a job to the job queue in batch mode.

Modification Information

This group box displays information about the creation or modification of this job.

Field Description

This field displays the user ID of the individual who initially saved this job. When creating a new job, Costpoint inserts your user ID.

Creation Date/time

This field displays this job's initial creation date and time. The information in this field is never updated after the first save.

Last Mod Date/Time

This field displays the date and time in which this job was last modified. Costpoint updates the modification date each time the job is saved.

Job Operations

Use this table window to set up the sequence of applications that will run when this job is processed in the job server.

Field Description

This field displays the order of the steps in this table window. This field automatically updates when you insert or delete a row in the table.

You can change the sequence of the applications by changing the sequence number for each row in this table window. Each row must have a different sequence number.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the Costpoint module in which the application you want to include is located.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the Costpoint application you want to launch when this job is processed.

Application Name

This column displays the descriptive name of this Application.


Use this field to enter , or use to select, the parameters previously saved for the report, computation, or posting function.

Note: You must first set up parameters using the application's screen and use the Identification block to specify a parameter ID. When you click on the application screen, Costpoint stores these parameters, which can be used in this field.

If the Module or Applicationfield is blank when you enter data in this field, Costpoint automatically updates the Module, Application, and Parameter Description fields with the corresponding data associated with this parameter ID.

Parameter Description

This column displays a brief description of the parameter ID.


If the Costpoint application to be launched is a process or computation, use this field to enter, or use to select, the process associated with the selected parameter ID in the Parameterfield.

Process Name This field displays the descriptive name of this Process.

If the Costpoint application to be launched is a report, use this field to enter, or use to select, the report associated with the selected parameter ID in the Parameterfield.

Report Name

This field displays the descriptive name of this Report.