Manage Account Discounts

If you are using the discount method Account Discounts or Account Discounts w/Burden for billing or revenue, use this screen to store the discount percentages that you want to apply by project for specific accounts.

This feature is available for all contract types and all revenue and billing formulas, but is available only for standard bills.

You can enter summary or detail accounts and a range of accounts.

Note: Because you can enter a range of accounts, Costpoint does not validate whether the account is project-required or active.

You can set up account discounts at any level of the project. When Costpoint computes revenue and calculates bills, it goes up the project tree and finds the first project level that contains a discount percentage and applies that during the calculations. If any discount percentages are set up at a higher level of the project than the revenue and billing formula level, Costpoint ignores them.

If the discount method is Account Discounts or Account Discounts w/Burden, the Compute Revenue screen and the Calculate Standard Bills screen reference this table to determine what discount percentages to apply. Select the discount method on the Other Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen or the Manage Revenue Information screen.

Use this screen to initialize your account discounts and before you compute revenue and calculate bills.