Manage ACRN Bills

Use this screen to manage ACRN bills.

You can use this screen only if the Enable ACRN Billing check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. Use of the Manage ACRN Bills screen is not mandatory, but is beneficial to government contractors subject to Government Requirement DFARS 204.71 Uniform Contract Line Item Numbering, specifically the standard payment instructions at PGI 204.7108(d)(1) through (6). This requirement places an obligation upon contractors to invoice at a Contract, Contract Line (CLIN), Subcontract Line (SLIN), Exhibit Line, or an Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) level. 

You can use the Manage ACRN Bills screen for several purposes:

  • Use this screen to specify the project ACRN (Accounting Classification Reference Number) requirement, formula, and the level at which the billing is calculated. Set up ACRN billing information for any project that requires billing amounts to be segregated by ACRN or ACRN/Line Item. This requirement is generally applicable to government contracts.
  • Use this screen to specify the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item funding amount by entering values in the Total ACRN Value field.
  • Use this screen to initialize previously billed ACRN or ACRN/Line Item amounts. You can do this by entering values in the Previous ACRN Allocation Value field. The value represents posted ACRN or ACRN/Line Item amounts and is required to calculate accurate current ACRN allocation amounts.
  • Use this screen to enter/modify Current ACRN Allocation Value amounts for each ACRN or ACRN/Line Item which appear on the standard bill.

Use the Accounts subtask to link direct accounts to an ACRN or ACRN/Line Item. This subtask is accessible only if you select ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping for your Billing Requirement.

Note: The Manage Modifications screen does not track contract and funded amounts by ACRN or line item at this time. You must enter modification amounts on both the Manage Modifications screen and this screen. 

Set up this screen after establishing data on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, and before executing the Calculate Standard Bills or Calculate ACRN Bills screens. For more information about setting up ACRN billing, see the "ACRN Billing" topic.

Warning: After you have established an ACRN Billing record for a project, changing the Billing Requirement or Calculation Method may require additional steps to ensure proper calculations. Contact Costpoint General Phone Support before changing any value in the ACRN Calculations group box. Changing either can result in inaccurate ACRN allocation amounts.

This screen is also available as a subtask of Manage Project User Flow, ACRN and Manage Modifications, ACRN.

What should I do if my project has been billed in another system?

You need to enter any ACRN or ACRN/Line Item data and amounts into Costpoint for any ACRN or ACRN/Line Item combination that is active and has available funds remaining. Enter the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item values, Total ACRN Value, and Previous ACRN Allocation Value (cumulative posted billing amount) in the table window. Costpoint calculates the Total ACRN Allocation Value and Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount automatically.

If the data is beneficial for reporting/tracking purpose, you can enter all ACRN or ACRN/Line Item values and their corresponding field amounts regardless of their active status and remaining funds. You can print ACRN data and values using the Print ACRN Billing Edit Report.

Notes about upgrading from Costpoint 6.0

If you are upgrading from 6.0, you cannot modify the Project Level At and Below field (PROJ_ACRN_DETL.TRN_PROJ_ID) for existing rows in the table. This rule preserves the integrity of the data and the previously billed amounts. If you upgrade and need to calculate allocation amounts at a level below the billing project number, you must add a new line (or multiple lines) to add the new lower level transaction data and then delete the original line.

For example, you have the following project data set up in version 6.0 using ACRN Only with Mapping:

Project Number Project Function ACRN Line Item
C100 Top Level Rollup
C100.01 Revenue and Billing Level
C100.01.01 Task 1 Engineering Labor AA 0001
C100.01.02 Task 2 Support Labor AA 0002
C100.01.03 Task 3 Other Direct Costs AC 0001

After you upgrade, the table window displays the following values (the version 6.0 screen is the same except the Project Level At and Below field is not visible):

Seq No Project Level At and Below ACRN Active Total ACRN Value Previous ACRN Allocation Value Current ACRN Allocation Value Total ACRN Allocation Value Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 C100.01 AA Y 10,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
2 C100.01 AB Y 25,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 15,000.00

This setup uses the same general ledger account for direct labor, so there is no accurate way to distinguish the allocation amounts for the Engineering and Support Labor tasks. To correct this issue, break out Sequence Number 1 into two separate rows. To accomplish this, insert the two new rows and then delete the original Sequence Number 1 row. The new screen would look like this during data entry (before saving):

Seq No Project Level At and Below ACRN Active Total ACRN Value Previous ACRN Allocation Value Current ACRN Allocation Value Total ACRN Allocation Value Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 C100.01 AA Y 10,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
1 C100.01.01 AA Y 4,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
2 C100.01.02 AA Y 6,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
3 C100.01 AB Y 25,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 15,000.00

In this scenario, the first row, the original Sequence Number 1, is marked for deletion.

You would not have to adjust Sequence 3 because all Other Direct Costs are associated with ACRN AB. However, you could optionally delete Sequence Number 3 and add a new line for project C100.01.03.