Manage Direct Cost Ceilings

Use this screen to impose a ceiling amount for any level of an account that is used in the calculation of revenue and billings for each element of direct cost for a project.

This ceiling amount becomes the not-to-exceed amount for calculating how much direct cost is included when calculating revenue or billings.

Use this screen to initially set up any ceilings on direct cost that are used in the revenue and/or billing computations. Initialize this screen after you have set up the Manage Project Account Groups screen, Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen, Manage Revenue Information screen, and Manage Project Billing Information screen and before calculating billing or revenue. Additional maintenance of the data in this screen is required only when a ceiling amount changes, or when a new one must be added.

You can impose these ceilings on an account at any level, including the summary level.

This screen is also available as a subtask of Manage Project User Flow, Dir Cost Ceil.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.