Navigation Toolbar

The navigation toolbar contains commands and options that you can use to move around and access different Costpoint menus and applications.

Navigation Toolbar Menu

Use the items in this menu to select the active company, display active applications, configure your screen and application displays, and manage My Menu.

Toolbar Option Function
Go to Home Dashboard Click to access the Home Dashboard. The Home Dashboard displays actionable data that you access most often, including information on your timesheets, pending tasks, expense reports and authorizations, available leave balances, and outstanding expenses. This dashboard is also available from the Reports & Analytics domain.
Note: The Home Dashboard and the icon are available and visible only to users who are licensed for Deltek Time & Expense.
My Menu Click to access the My Menu dialog box. My Menu displays a convenient list of your most-used applications. You can easily activate an application included in My Menu by clicking its name from the My Applications list.

To modify your My Menu, click the Manage My Menu link at the bottom of the dialog box. For more information, see Screen Configuration under Global Options.

Open Applications Click to display a list of currently open applications. The number in the box reflects the number of applications you currently have opened. In this example, the Open Applications icon indicates that two applications are open.

Click any application on the list to display that application.

indicates the application contains unsaved data.

Click to close the application.

To close the inactive applications or to close all the applications, click the corresponding button:

Browse Applications

Click Browse Applications to display the basic Domain and Application (user interface) structure. Select a Domain to view its component modules in the first column. From there, you can drill down to view a module's application groups (displayed in the second column) and, finally, the individual applications belonging to that group in the third column. Click an application to activate it.
Attention: For more information, see Navigating the User Interface.
"Bread Crumb" Trail

The "Bread Crumb" trail displays in the center of the Navigation Toolbar whenever you view and work in an application, so you always know your current location, as well as the path you took to get there. The Bread Crumb trail also provides convenient navigation, since you can click any item in the trail (for example, a domain, module, or application group) to go to that location. As an example, you can click Billing to go directly back to the Billing module.

System Message(s) Click to display administrative messages. This icon displays for the logged-in user only if there are system messages for him/her to see.
User Preferences Click to modify displays for your Navigation Toolbar, current application layout, and My Menu.
  • Application Layout Changes: Click Save to retain the current application display. For example, you might want a specific subtask to automatically display every time you access a particular application. You can also save the order of the columns for a particular table. Click Reset to revert to the default settings for this application.
  • Global Toolbar Icon Options: Click Edit to configure the Global Toolbar. You can rearrange the display of function icons, as well as add or remove them. You can also choose whether or not to display function labels for the icons. Your configurations apply for each application type. For example, if you configure the Navigation Toolbar on the Manage Project Billing Information application, that configuration will apply for all Data Entry applications in Costpoint. Click Reset to return the toolbar display to the default setting.
  • Auto Positioning On: Select this check box to resize applications to fully utilize screen space.
  • Manage User Profiles: Select the user profile you want to view from the list. Click Manage Profile to open the user profile. All applications must be closed to access User Profiles. If applications are open, click Close Applications to close them or click View Applications to identify the open applications and then close them.

    Click the Configure User Preferences link at the bottom of the window to modify the contents of My Menu in the Configure User Preferences screen. From the My Menu Application List in the bottom left pane, click the column with the check adjacent to each application you wish to add to My Menu (CTRL+Click for multiple applications). Next, click Select. The applications you selected displays in the My Menu pane on the bottom right. Click File > Save from the Global Menu, or click  from the Global Toolbar to save your preferences.

Select Company Click to display the Select Company dialog box. Available companies display in the drop-down list. Select the desired company and click the Change button. You can then access data for the designated company through My Menu or Browse Applications.
Warning: You must save database changes and exit all open applications for the current company before you can switch to another company.
Sign Out Click to exit.