Print Milestone Percent Complete Bills
Use this screen to print your milestone/percent complete bills.
Note that these are the unposted bills currently residing on the Manage Milestone Percent Complete Bills screen. As noted in the documentation for Manage Milestone Percent Complete Bills, the billed history for each project is retained in that screen. You can print posted and unposted milestone/percent complete bills, since they both reside on the Manage Milestone Percent Complete Bills screen. However, posted bills do not contain a company-wide invoice number, and the Current Amt Due column is zero for these bills.
Note: You can use the Print Options screen to archive a report for later viewing or printing. Select
from the menu (you can also click
), select the
Archive check box, and enter the appropriate parameters in the
Archive group box. You can use the Print Archived Reports screen to view or print the archived report. This is useful if you need to reprint a bill after posting. You cannot reprint bills after posting unless you archive them.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.
- Related Topics:
- Display the Print Milestone Percent Complete Bills Screen
You access the Print Milestone Percent Complete Bills screen from the Projects domain. - Contents of the Print Milestone Percent Complete Bills Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Print Milestone Percent Complete Bills screen.
Parent Topic: Milestone Percent Complete Bills Processing