Vendor ID
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Must exist in input file.
Vendor ID is null.
Vendor Employee ID
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Must exist in input file.
Vendor Employee ID is null.
Effective Start Date
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Must exist in input file.
Effective Start Date is null.
Vendor Employee ID, Vendor ID
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Not found in VEND_EMPL input file and VEND_EMPL table.
- Vendor Employee ID is not null AND
- Vendor ID is not null AND
- (Vendor Employee ID + Vendor ID) does not exist in VEND_EMPL input file for current Company ID AND
- (Vendor Employee ID + Vendor ID) does not exist in VEND_EMPL table for current Company ID.
Vendor Employee ID, Vendor ID, Effective Start Date
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Input file contains duplicate record.
- Vendor Employee ID is not null AND
- Vendor ID is not null AND
- Effective Start Date is not null AND
- (Vendor Employee ID + Vendor ID + Effective Start Date) is duplicated in input file for current Company ID.
Default GLC
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee>ID is not blank.
- Default GLC is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Not found in GEN_LAB_CAT table.
- Default GLC is not null AND
- Default GLC does not exist in GEN_LAB_CAT table.
Default PLC
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Default PLC is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Not found in BILL_LAB_CAT table.
- Default PLC is not null AND
- Default PLC does not exist in BILL_LAB_CAT table.
Default Pay Type
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Not found in PAY_TYPE table.
- Default Pay Type is not null AND
- Default Pay Type does not exist in PAY_TYPE table.
Default Invoice Rate
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Must exist in input file.
Default Invoice Rate is null.
Default Invoice Rate
Warning Message
Meaning/Related Information
Not greater than zero.
- Default Invoice Rate is not null AND
- Default Invoice Rate <= 0.
Detail Job Title Code
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Detail Job Title Code is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
- HR license = ON.
Not found in DETL_JOB_TITLES table.
- Detail Job Title Code is not null AND
- Detail Job Title Code does not exist in DETL_JOB_TITLES table AND
- HR license = ON.
Manager ID
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Manager ID is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Not found in EMPL table.
- Manager ID is not null AND
- Manager ID does not exist in EMPL table.
Labor Location
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Labor Location is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Not found in LAB_LOCATION table.
- Labor Location is not null AND
- Labor Location does not exist in LAB_LOCATION table.
Work Schedule
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Work Schedule is null AND
- Default Work Schedule in VEND_SETTINGS table is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Not found in WORK_SCH table.
- Work Schedule is not null AND
- Work Schedule does not exist in WORK_SCH table.
Timesheet Schedule
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Timesheet Schedule is null AND
- Default Timesheet Schedule in VEND_SETTINGS table is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Timesheet Class
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Timesheet Class is null AND
- Default Timesheet Class in VEND_SETTINGS table is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Not found in EMPL_CLASS table.
- Timesheet Class is not null AND
- Timesheet Class does not exist in EMPL_CLASS table.
Expense Class Code
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Required if T&E <employee> ID is not blank.
- Expense Class is null AND
- Default Expense Class in VEND_SETTINGS table is null AND
- T&E Employee ID in VEND_EMPL table or input file is not null
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Not found in MAIL_STATE table.
- State/Province is not null AND
- State/Province does not exist in MAIL_STATE table.
Postal Code
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Not found in POSTAL_CD table.
- Postal Code is not null AND
- Postal Code does not exist in POSTAL_CD table.
Country Code
Error Message
Meaning/Related Information
Not found in COUNTRY table.
- Country Code is not null AND
- Country Code does not exist in COUNTRY table.