Validate Open Billing Detail Account Function Codes

Use this toolkit to delete from the Maintain Open Billing Detail table (OPEN_BILLING_DETL) any transactions that do not have function codes of Labor, Non-Labor, or Units.

Since account function numbers are not stored in OPEN_BILLING_DETL, the program reviews the Project Account Groups (ACCT_GRP_SETUP) to obtain the function codes.

Beginning with Costpoint version 2.0A, only transactions that have function codes of Labor, Non-Labor, or Units populate OPEN_BILLING_DETL. However, on versions earlier than 2.0A, transactions of several other function codes (Cost of Goods Sold, WIP Trans Out, and so forth) also populate OPEN_BILLING_DETL, but they cannot be calculated on a standard bill. This toolkit deletes these transactions from OPEN_BILLING_DETL. Therefore, this toolkit is not needed for version 2.0A or later unless you convert unnecessary transactions into OPEN_BILLING_DETL or you change a function code in 2.0A (or above) and transactions are no longer needed. Storing unnecessary transactions in the OPEN_BILLING_DETL table does not affect your bill but this data needlessly causes confusion.

Note: You should generally run toolkits only when instructed to do so, either by user bulletins, installation instructions, or manuals, or by Costpoint General or Technical Support.