Manage Billing Accounts

Use this screen to enter accounts that are subject to cash basis billing or used for subcontractor progress payments on a company-wide basis.

If your projects require that purchases be paid for before they can be billed, use this screen to set up the accounts to which this restriction applies. Note that cash basis is applied only to transactions from Costpoint Accounts Payable. This screen controls the cash basis billing accounts on a company-wide basis. The option for controlling a specific project's cash basis billing status is located on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. If a project has specific accounts that are subject to cash basis billing, in addition to the company-wide accounts, enter those accounts on the Cash Basis subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. In summary, Costpoint checks to see if the Bill Cost Incurred on Cash Basis check box is selected for the project on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. If this check box is selected (the project uses cash basis billing), Costpoint first checks the company-wide accounts. Next, Costpoint checks the project-specific accounts to see if there are any additions. You cannot enter the same account in both the company-wide and the project-specific screens. Costpoint displays a message, and you must delete the duplicate accounts from the project-specific screen. Note that you must run the Update Cash Basis Information screen before you can use the cash basis restriction on the Calculate Standard Bills screen. See the "Create a Cash Basis Billing" topic for more information on this topic.

The Subcontractor column is used in the billing of government form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment. Designating an account in this screen as a subcontractor account means that the account is included in the Update Subcontractor Progress Payments process. There is a requirement to segregate subcontractors for 1443s because they are not subject to progress payment percentages. The subcontractor amounts, when entered into Costpoint, already have the percentage retained. Therefore, subcontractor costs are not integrated with other project costs. Accounts designated as a 1443 subcontractor must be used exclusively for that purpose. Do not charge subcontractor costs, for 1443s, to non-designated accounts or charge non-subcontractor costs to subcontractor-designated accounts. The account designation for subcontractors is available on a company-wide basis only. Note that you can designate an account as a subcontractor without it being subject to cash basis billing. The Calculate Standard Bills program checks accounts in this table for subcontractor designations only if the billing formula is Progress Payment.

For more information, see the "Progress Payment Bills" topic.