Estimate to Complete

Use the Estimate To Complete (ETC) feature to store estimated hours and amounts required to complete active projects.

ETC hours and amounts can be compared to incurred hours and amounts to arrive at the Latest Revised Estimate-at-Completion (LREAC). The LREAC can also be compared to the original overall budget for the job. The percent complete is identified both inclusive of and exclusive of purchase commitments.

If you already know the LREAC but not the ETC, you can import project budgets into the LREAC fields and allow Costpoint to arrive at ETC amounts by subtracting incurred costs from LREAC amounts.

If you know the percent complete but not the ETC or LREAC amounts, you can use this percentage to arrive at ETC amounts. Using the actual costs incurred as this percentage of the LREAC amount, Costpoint calculates the ETC amount as the difference.

Costpoint uses the ETC Direct Cost, ETC Indirect Cost, and ETC Fee tables to store incurred and estimated information for ETC amounts. It uses the ETC GLC Hours and ETC PLC Hours tables to store incurred and estimated information for ETC hours. Incurred costs are updated from the PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURDEN_SUM tables. Incurred hours are updated from the Labor History table. Budgeted amounts are updated from the Project Total Budget Direct, Project Total Budget Indirect, and Project Total Budget Fee tables. Budgeted hours are updated from the Project Total Budget GLC and Project Total Budget PLC tables.