Manage Project iRAPT Information

Use this screen to create a master iRAPT record for a project. You can designate the type of file that is created and the source of that file.

Information that you enter in this screen's subtasks is included in the billing file but not in the file source (the billing edit tables).

For more information about setting up iRAPT in Costpoint, see the "Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer" topic.

If you choose to use a word processing program (for example, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Microsoft WordPad, or Microsoft Write) to create your FTP files, you must cut/copy the text out of the word processor program and paste it into Microsoft Notepad, or another ASCII text editor, before sending the data to iRAPT. This converts the text to text-only format and removes control characters that contain formatting information.

Set up this screen after initializing the Configure iRAPT Billing Settings screen and before creating the file on the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen.

Costpoint's ACRN functionality is now compatible with iRAPT functionality but only for standard invoices. You must select the Use ACRN Mapping option, and the Billing Requirement on the Manage ACRN Bills screen must be ACRN/Line Item or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping. You must compute the ACRN allocation before creating the iRAPT billing file.