Contents of the Manage Open Billing Detail Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a valid project number that uses transactions for calculating billings. As you move to the next field, Costpoint validates that this project level allows charging. If this project and level does not allow charging, you receive an error and must correct this before you continue. When you save the transaction, Costpoint performs additional validations.

  1. If the Which Orgs can charge specific Accts check box is selected in Limit group box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, the program checks to see whether the project/account/organization combination is assigned to that project in the POA table and that it is active.
  2. If the Accounts check box is selected in the Limit group box on the Basic Info tab on the Manage Project User Flow, the program checks to see whether the project/account combination is assigned to that project in the POA table and that it is active.
  3. If you do not select either of these check boxes, the program performs no further validation on the project.

If you want to view records previously posted, click to retrieve them.


Subtask Description
Exchange Rates Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask.
Cash Basis Click this link only if your project requires that purchases be paid for before they can be billed. Refer to the documentation for the individual subtask for more information.