Talent Management Developer Resources
The Talent Management Application Programming Interface (API) addresses a primary need of the Talent Management products, the need to integrate through a standard interface with other software systems.
Use the link below to access our Talent Management Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Documentation system. From there, you can access the basics of how the Talent Management API works, what purposes it can serve, and how to use it effectively.
Deltek Talent SOA Documentation
Integration Guides
These are additional documents available to your developers to assist you as you integrate with Talent Management.
See the following documents.
Deltek Costpoint 7.1.1 Talent Management Integration Technical Guide
Deltek Costpoint 8.0 Talent Management Integration Technical Guide
Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5 Talent Management Integration Technical Guide
Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0 Talent Management Integration Guide
Deltek Vision 7.6 Talent Management Integration Technical Guide