DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC)
A “DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC)” results when the information submitted in E-Verify does not initially match records available to DHS.
A DHS TNC does not necessarily mean that the employee is not authorized to work in the United States; however, additional action is required to resolve the TNC.
A DHS TNC case result occurs because the employee’s:
- Name, Alien number, I-94 number and/or foreign passport number are incorrect in DHS records
- U.S. Passport, Passport Card, driver’s license, foreign passport or state ID card information could not be verified
- Information was not updated in the employee’s DHS records
- Citizenship or immigration status changed
- Record contains another type of error
- Information was not entered correctly by the employer
When this result is returned, the system will display what reason E-Verify has identified. The employee must be notified of this result. The user needs to click Notify Employee from this screen.
After clicking Notify Employee, the next screen provides the details on doing so.
From the Notice/Referral Letter drop-down list, the user must select a language for the Further Action Notice, and click View & Print. This will launch the document in PDF format and details what both the employer and employee need to do next.
After following the directions on this screen, the user must then select the Confirm Employee Notification check the box to indicate that he has notified the employee of this E-Verify result. After doing so, click Continue.
Once notified, the employee must then choose to either contest or not contest the case result. The user has to enter the employee’s decision in the system.
After clicking Continue from the Notify Employee of TNC screen, this screen records the employee's decision to contest or not. From this screen, the user will most likely click Save & Return Later. When the user gets the answer from the employee, he can access this step in the wizard from the E-Verify View Cases screen.
Clicking Continue on this screen means that the employee is contesting the TNC. The next screen will provide a referral notice that the employee needs to take with him to the DHS office.
On this screen, the user will have the option to reprint the Further Action Notice if needed and generate the Referral Date Confirmation form that the employee needs.
The user must select the language for the Referral Date Confirmation letter, and click View & Print. This will launch the document in PDF format and details what both the employer and employee need to do next.
Clicking Continue from that screen will route the user back to the main E-Verify page.
After 10 Federal Government working days, E-Verify will provide one of the following case results:
- Employment Authorized
- DHS Final Nonconfirmation
- DHS Case In Continuance
- DHS No Show
Each case result requires different actions or steps to continue or close the case.