Search Results

When you click Search, the search results display in the grid at the bottom of the screen.


The grid displays the following columns.

Column Description
Name This is the name of the resource, such as a book or video title.

Click the name to see additional information about the resource, including a description.

Type This is the medium used to deliver the resource (audio book, book, and so on).
Description This is a description of the resource.
Author This is the author’s name.
Publisher/Year This is the publisher and the year of publication.
ISBN This is the book’s ISBN (International Standards Book Number). Each edition and publication type (e-book, paperback, hardcover, and so on) has a unique ISBN.
Copies This is the number of copies of this resource in the library.
Available This is the number of copies of this resource that are not checked out.
Waiting This is the number of people who are on the waiting list for this resource.
Actions This column displays the actions that can be taken for each item in the table.


The buttons and icons on the Search Library screen perform the following actions.

Icon/Button Action Description
Show All Library Items Click this button to display all of the resources in the library.
View Requests & Checked Out Items Click this button to see a list of the resources that you have already checked out or have asked to borrow.
Reserve Click this icon to send a request to the Learning Administrator, asking to borrow the resource. The Learning Administrator monitors incoming requests and manages the process of checking out and distributing library resources.