Search Monster Screen

This screen lets you search and import résumés from the Monster.Com résumé database if your company purchased the Monster integration feature.

If your company purchased the Monster integration feature, you can search and import résumés from the Monster.Com résumé database.
Note: If your company enabled the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs OFCCP tracking feature, you must first select a requisition before you can search the résumé database.
Note: Résumés from the Monster Diversity Board have a Diversity flag indicated in the résumé view. Persons who indicated veteran status on Monster have a Veteran flag indicated in the résumé view.

To perform a classic Monster search:

  1. Click Recruiting > Monster > Search Monster.
  2. On the search form, you can set the search results listing to sort according to the following criteria:
    Date Select this to sort results according to the date the résumé was created on Monster.
    Location Select this to sort results according to location proximity. This option appears only if you entered a zip code and radius in the Search by Location section of the search form.
    Keyword Relevance Select this to sort results according to keyword relevance.
  3. To view a résumé, click the name in the Résumé column.
    Note: Each click counts as a View and will subtract from the number of views that your company purchased.

    In addition, the viewed résumé is saved from Monster into Deltek Talent.