Create a Survey
Use the Create Survey Screen to create and send surveys to employees. Survey results are anonymous. Once a user submits the survey results, no data is saved that can be linked to the user and no user-specific data is accessible for use in reporting.
This procedure assumes that:
- The Global Survey Tool Feature is enabled (On the Features Screen » Expand Core » Select Survey Tool Feature).
- The Survey Administration Feature is enabled for the current user's group. (On the Features Screen » Expand Core » Expand Survey Tool Feature » Select Survey Administration Feature).
To create a survey:
- Access the Survey Administration Screen ( ).
- Click the Create Survey button.
On Step 1 enter:
- A Title.
- A Description.
- A Category from the list defined by your organization in Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists. For example, Onboarding, or Company Culture.
In the Question section:
- Select a Question Type: Essay, Multiple, Scale, Ranking, Single.
- Enter a Question Description.
- Enter additional information, as required. For example, when creating a multiple choice/multiple selections question, you must add each option that will be available for selection.
- Check Set Question Required to require the survey taker to answer this question.
- Click Save Question. Repeat steps 4a-4e to add up to 25 questions.
For questions you want to delete, click the Delete icon
- Click Next.
On Step 2:
- Schedule the launch date by selecting Launch Now or selecting a future date from the Start field.
- Enter a date in the End field to specify the last day the survey is active.
- Select employees using various Filter options in the Associations area: Company/Division, Location, Job Family, Job Role, Job Title, Status, Union, Group Name, Start/Hire Date. Note that Job Family, Role and Title are associated with the Company/Division and Location selected. You can also click Select Employees to select employees using the Talent Employee Search dialog.
- Click Preview to view the list of selected employees before continuing.
- Click Next.
On Step 3:
- Review the survey content in the Define Content section, the scheduling selections in the Schedule and Associations section, and the employees selected to receive the survey in the Participants section.
Click the
Edit icon
to make changes in any of the sections.
- Click Finish when satisfied. The survey will launch based on the options selected in Survey Step 2 (Step 6 in this task). You are returned to the Survey Administration Screen.
Parent Topic: Survey Tool Administration