Search Candidates Screen

Use this screen to search for candidates. The process does not search the entire résumé database; it only searches for applicants that are attached to a requisition.


To narrow your search results, add more search criteria. To broaden your search results, use fewer criteria.

Field Description
Name (all or partial) Enter the applicant’s name, partially or in full.
Email (all or partial) Enter the applicant’s email address, partially or in full.
Job Title Select one or more job titles from the drop-down list.
Status Select one or more status values from the drop-down list.
Referral Source Select one or more referral sources from the drop-down list.
Shift Schedule (Hourly) Select a schedule from the drop-down list.
Search with WSA should contain Select one of the following options for the Work Schedule Availability WSA):
  • All shifts selected (exact match)
  • Any shift selected

Provide a date range using the corresponding From and To fields.

Former Employees Select this check box to limit your search to candidates who are former employees.
Exclude Select one of the following check boxes to indicate which candidates to exclude:
  • Not Eligible for Re-hire
  • Eligible for Re-hire (Conditional)
  • Not Eligible for Hire
Viewed Select one of the following:
  • All
  • Viewed Only
  • Not Viewed Yet