Create a Requisition Using the Requisition Creation Wizard

The Requisition Creation wizard provides a step-by-step approach to posting a requisition. The workflow defines the number of steps to be completed. You can post a new job using the Job Profile Library, a template, or a previously saved draft.

The options that are available to you vary, depending on your role within the organization and the features that your company purchased or enabled.

To post a job using the Requisition Creation wizard:

  1. On the Main Menu, click Recruiting > Create Requisition.
  2. Complete the step-by-step wizard, which walks you through the requisition creation process.
    Step 1 allows you to choose to create a job from either a job profile, a template, or from a draft. the fields and options you see on Step 2 depend on which of these paths you chose in Step 1. Review and complete all required fields and any additional fields, as needed.
  3. On Step 1 of the wizard, select the associations for the job, such as the organization and Job Title.
    Field Description
    Organizational Unit Select the organization or company to activate additional business unit levels for you to select and determine what locations, job families, and job titles are shown.

    You can select values for the following three fields here, or wait until Step 2 to define these values.

    Field Description
    Union Select the union associated with the job.
    Job Type Select the job type, such as full or part-time.
    Location Select where the job is located.
    Show only Job Titles marked for Hourly Portal(s) Select this option if you have the Hourly Module feature enabled you can select to show only Job Titles marked as Hourly jobs. If you don't own this module you will not see this option.
    Job Title The job titles available for selection are defined by an administrator on the Job Profiles screen. Your selection here populates the requisition form with job details such as description, responsibilities, skills, competencies, and salary.
  4. On Step 1 of the wizard, select the associations for the job, such as the organization and Job Title.