Pooled Résumés Screen

This screen displays résumé pools created by other recruiters in your company in addition to your own.


The Pools feature is ideal for grouping individuals based on skill set or for serving as a holding folder for upcoming job postings.

The screen displays a list of all the current pool categories and includes an option to create new pools. It is divided into the Public Pools section and the Private Pools section, with the following columns for each of the sections:

Field Description
Team This displays the associated team, if any. This is available for Private Pools only.
Owner This is the creator of the pool.
Search Agent This displays the list of associated Search Agents. From here, you can also click to disassociate the Search Agent from the pool.
PQ Pool Questionnaire. A icon in this column indicates that a pool has a pool questionnaire.
Actions This column has the following new available functions:
  • Edit — This is enabled only when the logged in user has access rights to the pool.
  • Delete — This is enabled only under the following conditions:
    • When there are no job seekers added to the pool and the logged in user is the pool creator; or
    • When there are no job seekers added to the pool and the Administer Talent Pool feature is enabled for a specific user group.