Contents of the Reports Management Screen
View report details such as the name, type of report, and date created.
Field | Description |
Report Type | Select the type of report to filter on: All Modules, Core, Core HR, Cross-posting, Development, Learning, Performance, Recruiting, Referral. |
Modules | Select the module whose reports you want to view: My Reports, Shared Reports, Standard Reports. Favorite Reports, All Types. |
Search | Enter a keyword in this field to trigger a search of report names, descriptions, and any tags created. The search results display only the reports that you own or that have been shared with you. |
ID | This column displays the reference number assigned to the report. |
Type | This column indicates the type of report. |
Module | This column displays the module associated with the report. |
Name | This column displays the name of the report. To modify the name, double-click it. Edit the name. Click the Save check mark icon, or click the Cancel icon to keep the original. |
Description | This column displays details about the report. To modify the description, double-click it. Edit the description. Click the Save check mark icon, or click the Cancel icon to keep the original. |
Report Owner | This column displays the owner of the report, when viewing Shared or Favorite reports. |
Created | This column displays the date the report was created. |
Last Run | This column displays the date the report last ran. |
Public | This column indicates whether the report is visible to all other users in your company. |
Buttons and Actions
Field | Description |
Show All Reports/Favorite Reports | Click this button to toggle the display between all reports or favorite reports only. |
Run | Click this option and define Filter options to tailor the results of your report, then click Run Report. |
Copy | Click this option, modify the name and description as needed and click Copy Report. The report is now accessible when filtering on My Reports. |
- Related Topics:
- Actions on the Reports Management Screen
Actions such as running the report and managing who can access the report are available to you based on your permission level and the report type you selected.
Parent Topic: Reports Management