Contents of the Skills Profile Screen

Select different types of skills to assign the selected employee and indicate the level of experience for each.

Field Description
Skill Categories Click on a category to display all the skills within that category on the right side of the screen.
Field Description
Skills Check the box next to each skill you want to add to your profile, or a direct report's profile. Then select an option from each of the Skill Level, Skill Usage and Skill Last Used drop-downs.
Field Description
Current Skills This section lists the current skills of the selected employee. Skills endorsed by the selected employee's manager are highlighted. click the Edit icon to change the values in the Skill Level, Skill Usage or Skill Last Used drop-downs. click the Delete icon to remove the skill.
Field Description
Suggest Skill Categories and Skills Button Click this button to open the Suggest Skill Categories and Skills screen where you can use the fields to suggest a new Skill in an existing category, or suggest a new Skill Category. The Skill and/or Category will not display for selection on the Skills Profile until it is approved by an administrator.