Step 4: Scale

In this step, you select which scale is associated with the performance workflow, and with each category within the workflow.

The Appraisal Overall Scale value is the scale that applies to the workflow overall. Each category within a workflow can also have its own scale, to allow for greater flexibility in rating performance.

Important Information
  • Modifying the Appraisal Overall Scale: If you modify the overall scale, all category scales are set to this override.
  • Default Scale: If a default scale was chosen when the scales were created, then that scale name is the default selection in the Appraisal Overall Scale drop-down list, and the scale details are displayed if you hover over the information icon for this field. You must choose a value for the Appraisal Overall Scale drop-down to ensure the workflow has a defined system for rating the performance of the individual. Category scales default to the company default, but you can change them to another scale, if desired.