Contents of the View Survey Details Screen

Use this screen to view the details of a survey.


Field Description
Title The survey title displays at the top of the screen.
Description A short description of the survey's content and purpose.
Category Survey Categories are defined by your organization in Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists. For example, Onboarding, or Company Culture.
Survey Questions Surveys can have the following types of questions:
  • Essay: This type of question accepts answers as freeform text.
  • Multiple (Multiple Choice with multiple answers): This type of question allows the user to select more than one answer.
  • Scale: This option creates a question using a Talent Management scale. These are numeric ranges that help measure the competency experience of an employee or rate an employee's performance on an appraisal. Survey respondents will select from a range of values based on the scale selected. Specify the scale to use on the Scales Screen (Administration » Global Settings » Your Organization » Scales).
  • Ranking: This type of question presents survey participants with a list of options and asks participants to drag and drop the options into a ranked list.
  • Single (Multiple Choice with one answer): This type of question is a standard multiple choice. Users select only one answer.
Scheduling This section lists:
  • Start: The day the survey launched/will launch.
  • End: The last day the survey is active.
Associations This section lists employees selected to receive the survey, as well as the Filter criteria used to select these employees.
Participants This section shows the total number of survey participants and the total number of employees who have responded to the survey.
Survey Administration Button Click this button to return to the Survey Administration Screen.
Edit Button Click this button to edit survey details for a survey that has not yet launched. This button does not display if the survey is active or in the process of launching.
Delete Button Click this button to remove a survey that has not yet been launched. This button does not display if the survey is active or in the process of launching.