Contents of the Employee Recognition Screen
The Employee Recognition Screen displays up to three tabs where users can manage their own recognitions, give recognition to others, and depending on permissions, view, like, and comment on recognitions given company-wide.
When the Employee Recognition Page feature is enabled two tabs display by default: the My Recognition tab, where users view recognitions they've given or received, and the Give Recognition tab, where users create new recognitions. Users see the Public Recognition tab, where company-wide recognitions are visible, the Public Recognition sub-feature has been enabled for the entire company. Administrators with access to Employee Recognition Badges will see a Badge Management button on this screen.
Field | Description |
Public Recognition Tab |
Use this tab to view recognitions marked Public. This tab is visible if an Administrator enables the Public Employee Recognition sub-feature for the entire company. This feature is available as a sub-feature under the
Employee Recognition Page on the Features screen. Depending on permissions, you may have access to View
My Recognition Tab |
Use this tab to view and manage Recognition Given and Recognition Received. Users can Filter results shown. Both Private and Public recognitions received by the logged in user display in the Recognition Received section. Private recognitions are visible only on the My Recognition tab of the creator and receiver of a recognition.
Give Recognition Tab |
Use this tab to recognize fellow employees. In addition to creating a title and entering the recognition text, you can select a badge to categorize the type of recognition. Badges available for selection are created by administrators. You can also set the recognition type. If set to Public, a notification of the recognition is sent to the creator, receiver, and receiver's manager, and the recognition displays to all users on their Public Recognition tab. If set to Private, a notification is sent to the creator, receiver, and the receiver's manager, and the recognition displays on the My Recognition tab for the creator and receiver only, and for administrators with the appropriate permissions. |
Badge Management Button |
This button displays for Administrators who belong to a group with the Recognition Badges feature enabled. Click this button to create badges that users can select to categorize the recognitions they create (For example Innovation or Service Focused). Badges can also be edited, deleted, and toggled between Active and Inactive. Users with the proper permission can also access the Badge Management screen from the Administration screen (Administration » Performance » Employee Recognition » Employee Recognition Badges).
Note: Before creating a badge, an administrator must create the list of categories for the Badge Category list on the Select Lists Management screen (Administration » Global Settings » System Administration » Drop-Down and Multi-Select Lists).
- Related Topics:
- Contents of the Employee Recognition Public Recognition Tab
Use this tab to view recognitions marked Public. This tab is visible if an administrator enables the Public Employee Recognition sub-feature for the entire company. - Contents of the Employee Recognition My Recognition Tab
View recognitions created by you or for you. - Contents of the Employee Recognition Give Recognition Tab
Use this tab to recognize fellow employees.