Skills Tab

View and manage a list of skills that are part of the appraisal.


The Appraisal Administrator determines which skills are evaluated in an employee appraisal and adds those skills either at the Workflow level, so they display on the Skills tab, or using the Manage Skills button to add skills directly from the Skills tab.

The employee is evaluated based on how well he or she has demonstrated mastery of these skills during the evaluation period. If an appraisal is based on a Workflow configured with a scoring option, skills are scored according to scoring protocol, similar to the way Competencies are scored. When the appraisal is closed some information, such as Skill Name and Skill Category, pass directly to the Overview tab of the employee's Total Talent Profile. For new skills the Date Added field is populated with the current date. For skills that were updated, the Date Updated field is populated with the current date. The Is Endorsed field value is also set to Y, and does not require additional approval from a Manager.

Skill Sections

Under the Skill Category heading at the top of the screen is a list of skills, each with the following fields and options. If your organization enabled the Appraisal Category Summary Notes feature, a Summary Notes section also displays beneath the Category name. Click the Add Journal Entry button to add or edit notes that apply to all competencies in this category.

Field Description
Skill Name The skill name. Depending on permissions you may see a weight as a percentage next to the name.
General Appraisal Notes Notes added as journal entries for this skill. Click Add Journal Entry to add a note for this skill.


The buttons on Skills tabs perform the following functions.

Field Description
Collapse All/Expand All Notes Click this button to display and hide the General Appraisal and Summary Notes.
Manage Skills Click this button to open the Manage Skills dialog, where you can select skills to add to the appraisal. Depending on permissions and how the appraisal's workflow is configured to allow additions to this category, the Manage Skills button may not be available.