My Employees
Managers and Matrix Managers use options on the My Employees menu to access the My Employees screen where they can manage and assign information for direct reports to ensure they have what they need to meet personal goals and organization goals. The My Employees menu also provides access to a visual representation of employee growth, project teams, certifications, and pending approvals.
- Related Topics:
- My Employees Screen
Manage and assign information for direct reports to ensure they have what they need to meet personal goals and organization goals. Options available might include appraisals, career path information, development plans, training courses, continuous feedback sessions, and employee goals. - Employee Job Profile Screen
On this screen, you view details of an employee's position, such as salary information, status, and competencies. - My Matrix Employees Screen
Matrix managers perform management functions such as launching appraisals for Matrix employees. These employees are not direct reports, but are still accountable to the Matrix manager, for example, in a dotted-line relationship. - 9 Box Screen
View and manage a graphical representation of a direct report's progress and growth using the metrics of potential ratings and performance score. In System Settings, an Administrator can configure the 9 box to track progress and growth using appraisal score data or manual score data. - My Project Teams Screen
Use the My Project Teams screen to view the teams that you created or to which you belong as a member. Managers create and manage project teams. Employees gain skills and competencies by serving on these teams as either team leads or team members. - Certifications Screen
If your Organization uses the Learning module, you may have access to the Certifications screen on the My Employees menu, where you can view and manage Internal and External employee-earned certifications for your direct reports. - Profile Edits Screen
Approve or reject edits to an employee's profile. - My Pending Approvals Screen
View and manage approvals that are awaiting your attention, including those associated with appraisals, offers, requisitions, and changes made by your direct reports to their Total Talent Profile.
Parent Topic: Talent Management Online Help