Contents of the Manage Groups Screen

Learn about fields, options, and actions on the Manage Groups screen.


Field Description
Name This is the groups name. Groups with an asterisk cannot be deleted. These are the default groups defined for you:
  • Report Consumers: This user group can run reports that have been shared with them.
  • Report Creators: This user group can create, view, schedule, and share reports with other staff members.
  • Power Users: This group has the same access rights as the Administrator group, but cannot manage groups or add users. The members of this group can create data objects, but cannot modify any of the original data objects.
  • IT Security: This group can manage users and groups only. The members of this group cannot view or create reports.
  • Administrators: This group has full access to manage the system as well as create reports and data objects.
  • Configurator: This group has full access to deploy the site and configure settings related to implementation. Some settings, such as SSO & Login security, and site logging are only visible to the Configurator users. This group cannot be modified. It is read-only.

    To search for a group, enter the group name and click Search.

Description This is a short description of the groups purpose and privileges.
Users Click to view a list of users who belong to this user group.
Privileges Click to view a list of system and user group settings and features that members of this group can access.


These actions are available for a group from the group's Action menu, and the Add button at the top of the screen:

Field Description
Make Default Click this to set the group as the Reporting Tool default. This is the value that automatically appears in the Group(s) field when you create a new user. The current default options displays with a checkmark and the word Default.
Edit Click this to edit group details such as what features and screens group members can access, and what actions they can perform, and which users belong to the group. For a user to be added to a group, the user must first be loaded from Talent Management on the User Management screen.
Delete Click to remove the group from the Reporting Tool. You cannot delete required groups (Administrators and Configurator) These groups are indicated with an asterisk.
You can also add a new group by clicking the Add button at the top right of the screen and specifying details and options on the tabs.
  • General Tab: On the General tab you define the name of the group and a short description of the group's use or purpose.
  • Privileges Tab: On the Privileges tab, you specify the features and screens group members can access, and what actions they can perform.
  • Members Tab: On the Members tab you add Reporting Tool users to the group.