Translate a Requisition

You can translate a requisition to as many previously installed languages as you need.

To translate a requisition:

  1. Beside each input field that requires text entry, click to launch the Alternate Translations window.
    This allows you to translate the content of the field into all the languages installed in your system.
  2. Under Select which language(s) to translate the requisition, select the language.
    This section displays only the languages that are installed for your company. Each language that you select appears as a separate input tab.
  3. In the input box, enter your translation for each language; if necessary, you can resize the input box by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner.
  4. Apply simple text formatting, such as bold or italics.
  5. After you finish a translation, click Close Window.
    An indicator is displayed beside the Translation Mode icon, to indicate whether or not the translation is complete:
    Indicator Meaning
    Not Complete

    For required fields, you must complete the translations before you can submit the form and create the requisition. Any optional fields that are not translated will display as empty to job seekers.