Resize Grid Sections and Columns
The Timesheets grid and the Expense Reports grid are divided into two separately scrollable sections. You can resize either of those sections if, for example, you want to see more columns in one of the sections without scrolling. You can also change the width of individual columns in the grids.
To resize grid sections or individual columns, do the following:
To resize the grid sections, hover over the vertical grid separator line between the two sections. When
displays, click and drag the grid separator line to the left or right. On a tablet, press and drag the grid separator.

To resize a column, hover over the space between the heading for that column and the heading for the column next to it. When
displays, click and drag the column separator line to the left or right. On a tablet, press and drag in the space between the headings; as you begin to drag, a column separator line displays.