
The Expenses page on the Planning tab includes charts and grids that provide a summary of the project plan's expense details. You can use Resource Assignments grids, which are embedded in the main Expenses Planning grid, to add or update expense type assignments and their planned amounts.

Note: You can view and plan expenses for a project in iAccess if the Enable Expense Tab option is selected in Vision ( Configuration > Planning > Plan Settings). If you are using Vision Multicompany, the setting is evaluated for each project's company. You must have access to the Expenses tab before you can see the expense information on the Planning tab. This access is set in Vision on the iAccess tab of the Roles form ( Configuration > Security > Roles).

Use the options on the Expenses tab of the Plan Settings dialog box to specify the planning level, rates, and multipliers for your plans. This dialog box automatically displays when you create a new iAccess plan or you convert a Vision plan to an iAccess plan.