Screen Designer Modifications

Changes made to Vision using Screen Designer may also affect iAccess.

Screen Designer Settings

iAccess honors the following Vision Screen Designer properties for fields and grids, both standard and custom, that also appear in iAccess:
  • Labels
  • Required
  • Locked
  • Hidden


Exceptions and Special Cases

Note the following exceptions and special cases related to Screen Designer settings:
  • The Companies grid on the Team tab in the Opportunities area of Business Development can contain both clients and vendors, but those are separate grids in Vision. Because of that, iAccess ignores Screen Designer properties for the Vendors grid in Vision and applies only the properties from the Clients grid to the Companies grid in Business Development.
  • The Contacts grid on the Team tab in the Opportunities area of Business Development can contain both contacts and employees, but those are separate grids in Vision. Because of that, iAccess ignores Screen Designer properties for the Employees grid in Vision and applies only the properties from the Contacts grid to the Contacts grid in Business Development.
  • If the Closed Reason field is marked as required for opportunities in Vision, iAccess does not honor that property. To do so would make it impossible to enter a new opportunity in iAccess because that field is not available on the Add Opportunity form in iAccess.
  • Screen Designer properties for Activities fields also apply to milestones and touchpoints in iAccess.

Required Fields That Do Not Appear in iAccess

Vision and iAccess share a database. However, all fields available in Vision for a particular database table may not be available for data entry in iAccess. If a standard field is not available in iAccess, it is automatically set to a valid default value when a record is added in iAccess. However, if you use Screen Designer in Vision to make an optional standard field required and that field is in a database table shared with iAccess, be aware that this can cause problems if the field is not displayed in iAccess because users have no way to make the required entry in the field:
  • If you are using Vision 7.4, iAccess users can add and edit records in that table, but the required field that is not available in iAccess will be blank. They receive no error message.
  • If you are using Vision 7.5 or a later version, iAccess users cannot add or edit records in that table. When they try to save the record, they receive an error message indicating that a required entry is missing. You must make the field not required if you want iAccess users to be able to add or edit them.

The same behavior occurs if, in Vision, you add a user-defined field to a table shared with iAccess, and you do not also add that field to one of the tabs in iAccess.