This column displays the work breakdown structure name and named resource or generic resource information for the project, phase, or task.
Specify a start date for the WBS element. By default, when
an iAccess plan is created, this field is set to the date entered in the
Initial Dates: Start field for the top level of the WBS in the Project Info Center. If this date is not entered in the Project Info Center, then it defaults to the date entered in the
Estimated Dates: Completion field. If neither date is entered in the Project Info Center, then tomorrow's date defaults.
When you add new phases and tasks to the WBS, the parent WBS start date is the default. You can change the default start date for phases/tasks; if earlier than the parent row's start date,
iAccess will change the parent start date to match.
Complete one of the following actions to set the start date for a WBS element:
- Enter a date in the field.
- Click
in the field and select a date on the calendar.
As plans evolve, you can shift planning dates on the Labor grid work breakdown structure rows by changing the start date. When you shift calendar dates, your plans remain accurate and up-to-date over the course of the project life cycle. When you change the start date for a WBS row, one of the following occurs:
- If the WBS row has assigned resources with hours,
iAccess displays a message asking if you want to shift the resource hours.
- Click
Yes to shift the hours.
iAccess tries to preserve the pattern of each resource's hours but differences in the number of work and non-work days between the original range and the new range could result in a change in the pattern and an increase in the number of days in the range. For that reason, it is recommended that you review the results after shifting the hours and make any necessary changes to the calendar period hours and WBS end date.
- Click
No if you do not what to shift the hours. If the new start date is not after any of the resource hours, the start date is changed, but the end date and the resource hours are not changed. If necessary, you can then manually move resource hours or the end date. If the new start date falls after any of the resource hours, you cannot use that start date without also shifting the hours.
- If the WBS row has no assigned resources or its assigned resources have no hours,
iAccess displays a message asking if you want to shift the end date also.
- Click
Yes to shift both the start and end dates to maintain the plan's original range.
- Click
No if you do not what to shift the end date. If the new start date is not after the end date, the start date is changed but the end date is not changed. If necessary, you can then manually change the end date.
If you are using a Vision plan, the start date defaults from the Labor tab in Project Planning. The dates you assign on the Labor grid are also used on the Expenses and Consultants grids. All planning grid date changes must be made using the Labor grid.
Specify an end date for the WBS element. By default, when
an iAccess plan is created, this field is set to the date entered in the
Estimated Dates: Completion field for the top level of the WBS in the Project Info Center. If this date is not entered in the Project Info Center, then it defaults to the date entered in the
Initial Dates: Start field. If neither date is entered in the Project Info Center, then tomorrow's date defaults.
When you add new phases and tasks to the WBS, the parent WBS end date is the default. You can change the default end date for phases/tasks; if later than the parent row's end date,
iAccess will change the parent end date to match. And, if you change the start date and choose to shift the end with it, the dates automatically adjust to maintain the plan's range for the work breakdown structure.
Complete one of the following actions to set the end date for a WBS element:
- Enter a date in the field.
- Click
in the field and select a date on the calendar.
This end date cannot be earlier than any existing planned hours or the start date.
If you are using a Vision plan, the end date defaults from the Labor tab in Project Planning.
This column displays the labor contract amount for the WBS element.
This column displays the sum of the planned labor amount that is saved in the baseline for the selected WBS row. The baseline acts as a snapshot of the plan at a certain point in time. To save a baseline, click
on the Planning toolbar.
- For
an iAccess plan, the planned amount typically equals the sum of the associated resource's baseline amounts, unless the baseline was saved prior to the planned amount changing.
- For a
Vision plan, the amount on the WBS row may not equal the sum of the associated resource rows. This happens when resource rows are removed or changed after the baseline was saved and the WBS row retains the original planned amount. If the project has multiple
Vision plans that are included in utilization,
iAccess sums the baseline amounts from the plans.
You can have only one baseline version for any plan. Any changes you make to the existing baseline will overwrite the previous baseline data. After a baseline exists, you can only change the baseline if your role has appropriate access rights. See the Planning Toolbar online help topic for more information.
This column displays the job-to-date labor amount through today's date for the project, phase, or task. It is based on actual JTD labor charges and includes unposted charges.
Calculation: JTD = Posted and unposted labor charges at billing or cost through today
This column displays the estimate-to-complete (ETC) labor amount for the project, phase, or task. This is the planned labor amount required from tomorrow through the end of the plan to complete the project, phase, or task.
If a project is mapped on multiple
Vision plans that have the
Include in utilization and project reports option selected,
iAccess totals are the combined values.
Calculation: ETC = Planned labor amount from tomorrow forward for plans in utilization at billing or cost
This column displays the sum of the job-to-date (JTD) labor amount and the estimate-to-complete (ETC) labor amount for the project, phase, or task.
If a project is mapped on multiple
Vision plans that have the
Include in utilization and project reports option selected,
iAccess totals are the combined values.
Calculation: EAC = JTD labor amount through today + ETC labor amount from tomorrow forward for plans in utilization at billing or cost
CONTRACT LESS EAC (displays if the Billing option is selected)
This column displays the variance between the contract amount and the estimate-at-completion (EAC) labor amount for the current project, phase, or task at billing. Negative amounts display in red.
Calculation: Contract Less EAC = Contract - EAC (JTD labor amount at billing through today + ETC labor amount at billing from tomorrow forward for plans in utilization)
EAC PROFIT (displays if the Cost option is selected)
This column displays the estimate-at-complete (EAC) profit, which is calculated using cost amounts. Negative amounts display in red.
EAC Profit = Contract - JTD - ETC - Estimated Overhead
Estimated Overhead = JTD Overhead + ETC Overhead
JTD Overhead = The Overhead that is allocated to the project in
Vision, plus an estimate of overhead for labor JTD that has not yet been allocated. The overhead allocation settings are configured in Vision.
ETC Overhead = Plan's Overhead % x Labor ETC Cost Amount
EAC PROFIT % (displays if the Cost option is selected)
This field displays the estimate-at-complete (EAC) profit percent, which is calculated using cost amounts. Negative percentages display in red.
Calculation: EAC Profit % = EAC Profit / Contract
LABOR EAC MULTIPLIER (displays if the Cost option is selected)
This field displays the labor EAC multiplier for the project. It is calculated using cost amounts and represents the cost value of hours worked through today and the remaining planned hours.
Calculation: Contract / EAC Cost
Your security role's access rights to labor cost rates and amounts determines whether or not labor EAC multipliers display.