Submit an Expense Report
When you have completed an expense report, you can submit it to a designated administrator for approval. You can submit an expense report at any time, but normally you submit after you have entered all of the expense items incurred.
Your system administrator sets the access rights that determine if you can resubmit a previously submitted expense report.
To submit an expense report, complete the following steps:
In the Employee workspace, click
to go to the Expense Reports area.
- Use the search field to select and display the expense report that you want to submit.
- Review the expense report for accuracy and make and save any changes that you make.
on the Expense Reports toolbar. If your firm uses the Vision TDM feature and receipt files are associated with the expense report but not attached to expense items, those files will be deleted when you submit. Follow the iAccess prompts to confirm that you want to submit.
- If your system administrator requires electronic signatures (passwords), iAccess displays the Confirm Electronic Signature dialog box. In Please enter your password, enter your iAccess password or, if you are using Windows Integrated Security, enter your Windows password, and click Save.
iAccess submits the expense report for processing.