Checklist: Configuring Vision for iAccess Timesheet Lookups

These options are configured within Vision by the system administrator and impact the information that displays in iAccess timesheet lookup dialog boxes. Refer to the Vision online help for detailed information about each feature.

Vision Setting Impact on iAccess Timesheet Lookups Vision Menu Path
Budgeted Validation Select this option for iAccess Timesheet to determine which labor codes and/or levels users are allowed to enter when they charge time to the project. When using validations, iAccess applies a series of checks to ensure the user makes appropriate selections when using the timesheet lookups. iAccess will validate their entries immediately as selections are made. If the user selects something they are not budgeted for, iAccess will apply the selected budget validation option as listed below.
The Vision Budgeted Validation options are the following:
  • None: Timesheets are not checked for budgeted validations.
  • Error: If a user selects an option that they are not budgeted for, iAccess displays an error message that stops the entry and alerts them of the issue.

    For WBS lookups, an error message displays when there are no planned hours for the combination of WBS levels that are selected.

    For the Labor Code lookup, the lookup dialog box displays budgeted labor codes. If there are none, iAccess displays an error message, and the user cannot select a labor code for the timesheet.

  • Warning: If a user selects an option they are not budgeted for, iAccess warns them of the issue. For the WBS lookups, iAccess displays a warning message. For the Labor Code lookup, the lookup dialog initially displays as filtered to show only budgeted labor codes. The user can select the Filter Budgeted Labor Code option to display only budgeted labor codes or all labor codes.

    For both errors and warnings, iAccess provides prompts to guide the user through resolving the issue. However, for warnings, the user can choose to continue to use the option that initiated the warning.

Info Center > Projects > Time & Expense
Budgeted Source Select the budgeted source for the project. iAccess uses this field to determine the budget source to use when validating labor codes or levels on employees' timesheets. The options are Budget Worksheet or Project Planning (which includes plans from both iAccess and Vision).
Budgeted Level Select the budgeted labor code levels (Employee, Labor Code, or Both) for the project. iAccess uses this information to determine which Project Planning data to use when validating labor code levels entered on employees' timesheets.
Labor Code Levels Use these options to determine the level to which the labor codes should be budgeted. This impacts how many levels display on the Labor Code Lookup dialog box in iAccess.
Apply Project Access to Timesheets Select this option if you want the list of available projects to be filtered based on the project record level access set up for the user's security role on the Record Access tab of the Roles form. Configuration > Security > Roles > Record Access
Labor Category Select one of the following options:
  • Name: Labor Category column displays on the timesheet.
  • None: The Labor Category column does not display on the timesheet; however, a default labor category is still applied to the timesheet entry in the iAccess database. This is used for various timesheet processes, including posting.
Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet
Treat inactive projects/plans as dormant

Select this option to prevent users from entering inactive projects, phases, or tasks on their timesheets. You cannot enter dormant WBS elements in timesheet rows. If you select this option, only active projects, phases, and tasks can be entered.

(Note: If a timesheet row contains a WBS element that is later changed to inactive or dormant, the employee can continue to enter time for that timesheet row, but he or she cannot enter that WBS element in any new or changed rows on the timesheet.)

Default Labor Code Use these fields to specify a default labor code for the employee:
  • If you define a default, that labor code automatically displays in the LABOR CODE field on the user's timesheet.
  • If you do not define a default, the user must enter or select a labor code for each timesheet row.

If budgeted labor codes are defined for individual projects, the default labor code may not display. If the user selects a non-budgeted code, a warning or error message may display when the code is selected. Follow the iAccess prompts to resolve the issue.

Info Center > Employee > Time