Security Settings and Labor Costs
The security settings in Vision for labor cost rates and amounts impact how cost data is displayed within different levels of the project's work breakdown structure (WBS) on the Labor page of the Planning tab in iAccess.
The Accounting tab on the Roles form ( Labor Cost Rates/Amounts option, some fields in iAccess will display *** instead of the actual amount when the plan's budget type is set to Cost in iAccess. This can impact how the project's amounts summarize because the cost may not be included in the calculation.
) determines the role's access rights to labor costs rates and amounts in iAccess. Based on the selected access rights for the-
No Access: You cannot access cost rates or cost amounts on screens and reports except for the contract cost amounts. iAccess displays *** in place of cost amounts. However, if the Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations option is selected, the cost amounts display for contract, profit, and EAC multiplier for the WBS rows.
Subtotals Only: You can access cost amounts on subtotal lines on reports and screens, but not on detail lines. iAccess displays all cost amounts except detail amounts, for which *** displays instead.
Final Totals Only: You can access cost amounts on grand total lines on reports and screens. iAccess displays *** in place of detail and subtotal cost amounts. However, if the Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations option is selected, all amounts display at the project (top) level of the WBS but *** displays at lower levels.
Full Access: You have access to all cost rates and cost amounts.
If you have questions about your access rights to labor cost rates and amounts, contact your system administrator.