Consultants Resource Assignments Grid

In the Consultants Planning grid, you can open a Consultants Resource Assignments grid below a WBS row. Use the Resource Assignments grid to add and review planned consultant amounts for that WBS element.


The Baseline, Planned, JTD, and ETC columns display at either billing or cost, depending on the budget type that is selected. If the budget type is Cost and Billing, you can switch between the two, and the amounts in the grid change to reflect your selection. Note that as you switch between billing and cost, the grid displays a somewhat different set of columns.

Field Description
CONSULTANT TYPE This column displays the consultant type assigned to the row.

To enter a consultant type for a new row, click + Add Resource and select it in the Add Consultant Types dialog box.

To change the consultant type for an existing row, do either of the following in this column:
  • Enter one or more characters from the consultant type name or account number to display a drop-down list of consultant types that contain those characters. Select the consultant type you want from that list. If only one consultant type matches your search text, it is entered automatically without displaying a list.
  • Click to display a list of all available consultant types in the Consultant Type Lookup dialog box. Scroll or search to locate the expense type, select it in the list, and click Select.

When you select a different consultant type, you must note the use of JTD or baseline. If there is no assigned JTD or baseline for the consultant row, you can change the consultant type. If there is assigned JTD or baseline for the consultant row, you can select a different consultant type only if there is also a planned amount. When you select a different consultant type, a new row is created for the consultant, and you can choose to move the planned amount to this row. The JTD and/or baseline remains on the original row.

TYPE This column displays the type of consultant account: direct or reimbursable.
ACCOUNT This column displays the reimbursable or direct consultant account number that is associated with the consultant type.
CONSULTANT NAME This column displays the name of the consultant.
To enter a consultant, do either of the following:
  • Enter one or more characters from the consultant name or number to display a drop-down list of consultants that contain those characters. Select the consultant you want from that list. If only one consultant matches your search text, it is entered automatically without displaying a list.
  • Click to display a list of all available consultants in the Consultant Name Lookup dialog box. Scroll or search to locate the consultant, select it in the list, and click Select.

When you select a different consultant name, you must note the use of JTD or baseline. If there is no assigned JTD or baseline for the consultant row, you can change the consultant name. If there is assigned JTD or baseline for the consultant row, you can select a different consultant name only if there is also a planned amount. When you select a different consultant name, a new row is created for the consultant, and you can choose to move the planned amount to this row. The JTD and/or baseline remains on the original row.

BASELINE This column displays the planned amount that was saved as the baseline for the consultant type for the WBS element.

If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, iAccess sums the baseline amounts from the plans.

PLANNED This column displays if the budget type is Cost or Cost and Billing, or if the budget type is billing and the rate method is None. If the budget type is Cost, the column displays the planned cost amount for the consultant for the WBS element. If the budget type is Cost and Billing, it displays the planned cost or planned billing amount for the consultant for the WBS element, depending on your selection in Show. If the plan is a iAccess plan, you can enter or change a planned cost amount.

For direct consultant accounts, the cost and billing amounts will be the same if you change the option in Show. For reimbursable consultant accounts, iAccess calculates the planned billing amount based on the cost amount and the reimbursable consultant markup settings in the plan settings.

If the project has multiple Vision plans that are included in utilization, iAccess sums the planned amounts from the plans.

PLANNED COST This column displays if the budget type is Billing and the rate method is Multiplier Only, From Account Rate Table, or From Category Rate Table. The column displays the planned cost amount for the consultant for the WBS element. If the plan is a iAccess plan, you can enter or change the planned cost amount.
PLANNED BILLING This column displays if the budget type is Billing and the rate method is Multiplier Only, From Account Rate Table, or From Category Rate Table. The column displays the planned billing amount for the consultant for the WBS element.

If the plan is a iAccess plan, you can enter or change a planned cost amount in PLANNED COST, and iAccess updates the planned billing amount accordingly. For direct consultant accounts, the cost and billing amounts will be the same. For reimbursable consultant accounts, iAccess calculates the planned billing amount based on the cost amount and the reimbursable expense markup settings in the plan settings.

JTD This column displays the sum of the charges to the consultant account for the WBS element for all posted transactions and committed purchase orders through today.

iAccess provides a notification when the JTD amount is greater than the planned amount. A red flag () displays in the column. Each WBS row amount is checked, and a flag can display for any row.


This column displays the estimate to complete for the consultant type and WBS element.

ETC amounts for consultants are calculated differently, depending on whether the project plan is an iAccess plan or a Vision plan.

  • iAccess plan: If Planned consultants - JTD consultants is greater than 0, then ETC consultants = Planned consultants - JTD consultants. If Planned consultants - JTD consultants is less than or equal to 0, then ETC consultants = 0.
  • Vision plan: ETC consultants = Sum of planned consultants from tomorrow forward.