Setting Up Access to the Project Management Workspace

Use the Roles form in Vision (Configuration > Security > Roles) to provide access to the Project Management workspace in iAccess for one or more users and define the level of access.

For the Planning tab in iAccess, you basically define the role's access to Vision Planning. If you then select the options to give the role access to the Planning tab in the Project Management workspace, the level of access defined for Vision Planning for the most part applies also to the Planning tab and pages in the Project Management workspace.

On the General Tab...

To provide access to the Planning tab in the Project Management workspace, select Planning and Project Planning in the list of menu items on the General tab of the Roles form.

On the Accounting Tab...

In Labor Cost Rates/Amounts on the Accounting tab, select the option that provides the access you want the role to have to labor cost rates and labor cost amounts in both Vision and iAccess.

Depending on your selection, some fields in iAccess may display *** instead of the actual amount when a plan is viewed at cost. This can impact how the project's amounts summarize because the cost may not be included in the calculation.

The Labor Cost Rates/Amounts setting for a security role affects access to labor cost rates and amounts in iAccess as follows:
  • No Access: You cannot access cost rates or cost amounts on screens and reports except for the contract cost amounts. iAccess displays *** in place of cost amounts. However, if the Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations option is selected, the cost amounts display for contract, profit, and EAC multiplier for the WBS rows.

  • Subtotals Only: You can access cost amounts on subtotal lines on reports and screens, but not on detail lines. iAccess displays all cost amounts except detail amounts, for which *** displays instead.

  • Final Totals Only: You can access cost amounts on grand total lines on reports and screens. iAccess displays *** in place of detail and subtotal cost amounts. However, if the Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations option is selected, all amounts display at the project (top) level of the WBS but *** displays at lower levels.

  • Full Access: You have access to all cost rates and cost amounts.

Also on the Accounting tab, use Accounts Receivable comment review access to indicate if users with the role have no review access to AR comments, can review their own AR comments, or can review all AR comments. Use Accounts Receivable comment update access to select from the same options for AR comments update access.

On the iAccess Tab...

On the iAccess tab on the Roles form, select iAccess and Project Management, and do one or more of the following :
  • To provide access to the Overview tab, select Dashboard Tab.
  • To provide access to the Planning tab and the Labor page on that tab, select Planning Tab.
  • To provide access to the Contract, Expenses, or Consultants page on the Planning tab, select the corresponding check box under Planning.
  • To provide access to the Invoices tab, select Invoices Tab.

Under Project Access in Project Management Workspace, you have the option to use the same access (Full, Add/Modify, Modify Only, or Read Only), record level view, and record level update settings as you selected for projects on the Record Access tab of the Roles form, or you can select different settings that apply when users are in iAccess.

Under Project Planning Access, you have the option to use the same access (Full, Add/Modify, Modify Only, or Read Only), record level view, and record level update settings as you selected for project planning on the Record Access tab of the Roles form, or you can apply different settings when users are in iAccess.

If the Resource Planning module is not licensed in Vision, some additional Planning security options are also available on the iAccess tab of the Roles form.

For More Information

For more information about setting up security roles, display the Vision online help and, in the Contents pane, go to Configuration Overview > Security Configuration Overview > Roles Overview.