Account Group Modifications

Deltek recommends that you view your initial Project Account Groups setup as permanent, and make modifications only when absolutely necessary.

Please contact Costpoint General Support before making any modifications to your Account Groups.

Generally, you can make modifications to your Account Groups without any problems if you have not posted any transactions or executed any processes. This means you can make modifications during initialization if you have a "false start." Keep in mind that adding or deleting accounts to your Project Selected Accounts may mean additional modifications to your transaction validation screens.

If you have posted transactions and executed processes, most modifications require additional steps. Many of the function codes reside in the project summary ledgers (PROJ_SUM and PSR_PY_SUM) and are identified with an account function number (ACCT_FUNC_NO) to help categorize them. Furthermore, as the revenue process proceeds, additional tables are affected by the account function codes. For example, when you execute the Update Project Status Report Tables screen, it updates a table called PSR_FINAL_DATA. The account function codes are transferred from PROJ_SUM and are known in PSR_FINAL_DATA as the SUB_TOT_TYPE_NO, which groups the types of transactions for presentation on the report. In addition, many posting programs rely on a unique project/account/org combination in the General Ledger (GL_POST_SUM) to determine the amount required for the current posting. Changing the account in the Account Group, in effect, creates a new transaction combination that affects the amount posted. In summary, changing the Project Account Groups can have a wide-ranging effect on Costpoint. Although some information on changing Project Account Groups is provided below, contact Costpoint General Support before making modifications to your Project Account Groups.

The following are some examples of how to handle Account Group modifications:

Changing LABOR to NON-LABOR or Vice Versa

Make the modification in the Account Group and execute the Assign Account Function Codes toolkit for the Account Group(s) that were modified. This toolkit reviews the current Account Group setup and synchronizes the ACCT_FUNC_NOs in the PROJ_SUM and PSR_PY_SUM tables per that setup. Depending on the size of your database, this toolkit may take considerable time to complete. Keep in mind that if you want these modifications reflected on prior period reports, you must execute the appropriate report table update for those periods. Also, changing an account to a LABOR function code may not make the account appear on labor reports if the transactions have not been entered through a labor entry function (for example, Manage Timesheets, or the Employee Labor and Vendor Labor subtasks of the Manage System Assigned JE Number screen) or the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen.

Modifying the REVENUE Function Code

Make the modification in the Account Group. Enter a journal entry transferring the Year-to-Date (YTD) revenue from the original project/account/org combination to the new combination. When you post revenue the first time after the modification, Costpoint looks at GL_POST_SUM to sum the amount that has been posted YTD and to determine the amount of the current posting.

Modifying the BILLED A/R Function Code

Make the modification to the Account Group and enter a journal entry to transfer the outstanding amount from the original billed receivable account to the new account. This journal entry is needed only if you want to keep the balance in one account. Keep in mind that the detail supporting the balance transfer still resides in the original account.


Make the modification to the Account Group and enter a journal entry to transfer the YTD balance from the original unbilled-general account to the new account. The Unbilled Analysis Report derives the Unbilled Per G/L amount from GL_POST_SUM for the account that is currently designated with the UNBILLED-GENERL for a given project. By moving the YTD balance to the new account, you ensure that all transactions for the current year are included.


If you are changing the Cost of Goods Sold account, you need to make the modification only in the Account Group and enter an optional journal entry to keep the YTD balance in one account. If you are changing the WIP Transfer Out account, you must make the modification in the Account Group, and you must enter the journal entry. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entry screen sums GL_POST_SUM for the YTD balance of the account with the WIP TRANS OUT function code to determine the amount of the current posting. The journal entry transferring the YTD balance ensures that the current posted amount is correct.

Account Function Numbers

Account Function Numbers are assigned to the accounts that are written to the Project Ledger tables (PROJ_SUM and PSR_PY_SUM). These numbers, which can be found in the ACCT_FUNC_NO columns of both tables, categorize the accounts for processes and direct them to their location on reports. One of these reports is the Project Status Report, which stores some of its information in the PSR_FINAL_DATA table. In this table, the numbers are assigned to the accounts in the SUB_TOT_TYPE_NO column.

The following table lists the ACCT_FUNC_NOS and SUB_TOT_TYPE_NOS in the PROJ_SUM and PSR_FINAL_DATA tables, respectively. Note that different numbers can exist for the same account type if the project is classified as Work-In-Process (WIP).





Non-WIP Projects Non-WIP Projects
1    Revenue 1    Revenue
2    Labor 2    Labor
3    Non-Labor 3    Non-Labor
4    Burden 4    Burden
5    Cost of Money 5    Cost of Money
11  Unallowable Labor 2    Unallowable Labor
12  Unallowable Non-Labor 3    Unallowable Non-Labor
13  Units 3    Units
WIP Projects WIP Projects
1    Revenue 1    N/A
2    Labor 2    Labor
3    Non-Labor 3    Non-Labor
4    Burden 4    Burden
5    Cost of Money 5    Cost of Money
6    Cost of Goods Sold 6    WIP Transfer
7    WIP Transfer 7    G&A Backout
8    N/A 8    Revenue
9    N/A 9    Cost of Goods Sold
10  N/A 10  Cost of Goods Sold Burden
11  Unallowable Labor 2    Unallowable Labor
12  Unallowable Non-Labor 3    Unallowable Non-Labor
13  Units 3    Units