Expense Charge Types
Use the Expense Charge Types screen to create charge types and set up rules for assigning or entering charge information to expense amounts.
Charge types define the rules for assigning charge information (UDT codes) to expense amounts for types of expense. In most cases, companies set up rules that provide automatic assignment of most charge information by the system, so the employees entering expense reports need not be concerned with entering correct charge information.
After you create one or more charge types for a type of expense, you assign them to the appropriate expense types on the Manage Expense Charge Types screen. A single expense type often has multiple charge types. For example, you may assign the following charge types to your Car Rental expense type:
- Direct Car Rental
- Bid and Proposal Car Rental
- Overhead Car Rental
- G&A Car Rental
When an employee enters an expense for car rental, Time & Expense determines which of these charge types applies and uses the rules set up in that charge type to assign, or prompt the employee to enter, the necessary charge codes.
Portions of Expense Amounts
When you create a charge type, you can set up separate charge defaults and rules for these portions of the total expense:
- Under Ceiling — The part of the expense amount that is under the authorized ceiling for the expense.
- Over Ceiling — The part of the expense amount that is in excess of the authorized ceiling for the expense.
- Unallowable — The part of the expense amount that has been classified as unallowable for the expense.
- Tax 1 — The first tax amount included in the expense amount.
- Tax 2 — The second tax amount included in the expense amount.
- Related Topics:
- Display the Expense Charge Types Screen
You access the Expense Charge Types screen from the Time & Expense domain. - Contents of the Expense Charge Types Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Expense Charge Types screen.