Time & Expense
Welcome to Deltek Time & Expense, one of the premier Web-based labor and expense collection systems available today. It provides the power and flexibility to support your company, large or small, and whatever financial, payroll, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that you use.
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- UDT Names
Depending on your product, UDTs have different labels in Deltek Costpoint and Deltek GCS Premier. - Time
From the Time module, you can enter time and adjust your work schedule, or if you are supervisor, you can manage resource timesheets and work schedules. Depending on system rights, you may have access to a variety of reporting and inquiry applications, expense utilities, and configuration applications. - Expense
From the Expense module, you can submit planned expenses for pre-authorization and record expenses for reimbursement, and depending on your role, you can approve and reject planned and incurred expenses. Depending on system rights, you may also have access to a variety of reporting and inquiry applications, expense utilities, and configuration applications. - Configuration
Screens within the Configuration module are used to configure various high-level settings within Time & Expense.