Service Center Processing

If you initiate the rate computation process and the pool being processed is a service center, Costpoint checks the Service Center subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen to see whether the Calculation of Base flag is Automatic or Manual.

If it is Automatic, Costpoint uses Steps 1 through 4 of the Rate Computation Process to calculate the allocation amount. Then it checks the Service Center subtask again to see whether the Apply Allocation method is Current Period or YTD.

If you selected the YTD option, Costpoint subtracts all previous YTD postings to the General Ledger for the account/organization or account/organization/project combination on the Allocation Journal from the YTD allocation amount (calculated in Step 4 of the Rate Computation Process), giving the current posting amount. The Allocation Journal is updated with this amount.

If you selected the Current Period option, Costpoint subtracts previous current period postings to the General Ledger for the account/organization or account/organization/project combination on the Allocation Journal from the current period allocation amount, giving the current posting amount.

Finally, the Statement of Indirect (POOL_SIE_SUPPT table) is updated with all appropriate amounts.

The calculation for an Automatic service center is almost identical to the calculation of a non-service center pool, except that no rates are posted to the Rate table.

For a Manual service center, however, the calculation and posting of allocation amounts is very different. First, you must enter the base amount on the Manage Allocation Journals screen for each account/organization or project/account/organization to which you want to allocate. After the base amount is available, you can begin the computation process.

  1. Costpoint checks the Service Center subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen to see whether the service center uses a standard rate (the Apply Standard Cost Per Unit check box is selected).

    If it does, Costpoint multiplies the Standard Unit Rate from that screen by the units that were entered for each account/organization or project/account/organization combination on the Manage Allocation Journals screen to obtain the allocation amount. This allocation amount is either a current period or YTD allocation amount, depending on whether the units were entered in the Current or YTD columns on the Manage Allocation Journals screen.

  2. If the Service Center does not use a standard rate, Costpoint uses the following process to derive the allocation amount:
    1. Costpoint checks the Service Center subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen to see whether the Apply Allocation method is Current Period or YTD.
    2. Depending on the method found in the previous step, either the current period or the YTD posted amounts from the General Ledger (FS_SUM table) and the unposted amounts from the Allocation Journal (ALLOC_BASIS_JNL table) are summarized for all account/organization combinations that were set up on the Pool Cost subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen. This is the Pool Cost.
    3. The units that were entered in the Allocation Journal are summarized across all account/organization or project/account/organization combinations entered. This is either a current period or YTD pool base, depending on whether the units were entered in the Current or YTD columns on the Manage Allocation Journals screen.
    4. Costpoint divides the Pool Cost by the Pool Base to obtain the rate or percentage to apply to each account/organization or project/account/organization combination.
    5. To obtain the Allocation Amount, Costpoint multiplies the rate or percentage from c) by the units for each account/organization or project/account/organization combination.
    6. Costpoint calculates the current posting amount for each service center. If the Apply Allocation method on the Service Center subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen is YTD, all previous YTD amounts from the General Ledger are collected for each account/organization or project/account/organization combination on the Manage Allocation Journals screen and subtracted from the YTD Allocation Amount to obtain the Current Posting Amount.
    7. If the Apply Allocation method on the Service Center subtask of the Cost Pools screen is Current Period, all previous current period amounts from the General Ledger are collected for each account/organization or project/account/organization combination on the Maintain Allocation Journals screen and subtracted from the Current Period Allocation Amount, giving the Current Posting Amount.
    8. If the Apply Allocation method on the Service Center subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen is Additive Method, the Allocation Amount calculated for the Standard Rate Service Center is moved to the Current Posting Amount.
    9. Finally, Costpoint updates the Service Center Cost Report (POOL_SIE_SUPPT table) with the appropriate amounts.
Note: If you are attempting to compute pool rates and have unposted Allocation Journals from a previous period, the program does not perform any computations until you post the journals. This especially affects Manual Service Centers, where the basis (units) can be entered in a given period with no service center allocation computed. If you allocate the service center in the following period, the Compute/Print Pool Rates screen does not work unless you delete or post the Journal.

If you are using hours-based cost pools, do not put any accounts in the base of the pool that do not contain incurred hours, or your rates will be incorrect.