Contents of the UDT10S Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the UDT10S screen.


If your version of Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint, most UDT10 field values are maintained directly within Costpoint. Editable fields are noted in the table below.

Field Description

This field is not editable in co-deployed installations.

Enter a 20-character, uppercase alphanumeric UDT10 code. Each code must be unique.  

Note: The number of characters you enter cannot exceed the size set up in the General Settings, UDT Labels subtask for UDT10.

This field is not editable in co-deployed installations.

Enter up to 30 characters for a UDT10 description. You should make descriptions as short as possible and properly capitalize them because they are used in drop-downs, Lookups, and as column headings for reports and inquiries. The description does not need to be unique.

General Options

Field Description

This field is not editable in co-deployed installations.

Select this check box if you plan to use the UDT10 for overtime hours.

In co-deployed installations, the box displays as checked if Overtime is selected for that pay type within Costpoint.

Overtime Type This field only displays if Overtime is selected, indicating that this is an overtime pay type. Choose from the following options:
  • Level 1: Choose this option to designate this as a level 1 overtime type.
  • Level 2: Choose this option to designate this as a level 2 overtime type.

The designation of the level is used by Time & Expense when populating the Level 1 and Level 2 Lookups in the Overtime Mappings section, which is used to map regular pay types that count toward overtime to the correct charge, when overtime is automatically distributed.

Note: When Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint the overtime factor that determines whether the pay type is Level 1 or Level 2 is located in Costpoint > People > Labor Rate Controls > Manage Pay Types.
Cost Only

This field is not editable in co-deployed installations.

Select this check box if the UDT10 is a labor-cost-only UDT10 (that is, no hours will be included on the screen and report totals). If you plan to record hours with UDT10, do not select this check box.

Comment Required

Select this check box to require the user to enter a comment for this UDT10.

Active Select this check box if the UDT10 is active.
Note: You cannot delete a UDT10 code that is being used on a timesheet line or on an expense report.

Select this check box to include the timesheet hours assigned to this UDT10  in any timesheet pro-ration calculation.


Select this check box to allow future hours to be charged against this UDT10. A typical example of this would be for a vacation UDT10, where you may want to give employees the option to charge vacation time to a future date.

Valid for Paid Breaks Select this checkbox on any new or existing pay type that will be used by resources when recording paid breaks on the timesheet.
Overtime UDT10

Use the drop-down to select a UDT10 to which overtime premiums will be charged for this UDT10 code. Valid values are any UDT10s that currently exist, with the exception of the UDT10 currently being added or edited.

Labor Recast UDT10

This field only displays in stand-alone installations.

If you want to "recast" hours entered for this UDT10 for labor distribution purposes when exporting time to another application, select the UDT10 to which the recast hours should be charged.

Recasting results in the creation of another export record that is essentially identical to the original export record except that it is associated with a different UDT10 and labor costs are recalculated based on that UDT10.

Payroll Recast UDT10

This field only displays in stand-alone installations.

If you want to "recast" hours entered for this UDT10 for payroll purposes when exporting time to a payroll application, select the UDT10 to which the recast hours should be charged.

Recasting results in the creation of another export record that is essentially identical to the original export record except that it is associated with a different UDT10and labor costs are recalculated based on that UDT10.

Overtime Mapping

Fields in this section are only enabled for regular, non-overtime pay types. If the Overtime check box is selected, these fields are disabled.

Use this section to map regular pay types that count towards overtime to a specific level 1 and/or level 2 overtime pay type. This information is used by Time & Expense if overtime is automatically calculated and distributed. For example, if a regular pay time counts towards overtime, the overtime pay type to which it is mapped will be charged for any overtime that does occur.

Field Description
Level 1 Use this field to map regular pay types that count towards overtime to the appropriate level 1 overtime pay type. Click Lookup to select the pay type.

Level 1 is dependent on the value of the rate 1 factor, a type which has an overtime factor of less than 2 but greater than 0. The Lookup list only displays overtime pay types that are level 1.

If a value exists in this field, and you then select the Overtime check box, the existing value is cleared from this field.

Level 2 Use this field to map regular pay types that count towards overtime to the appropriate level 2 overtime pay type.

The factor is greater than or equal to 2.

Labor/Payroll Options

Field Description
Labor Code

This field only displays in stand-alone installations.

Enter a labor code of up to 30 characters. This code will be included in the data when you export timesheets.

Payroll Code

This field only displays in stand-alone installations.

Enter a payroll code of up to 30 characters. This code will be included in the data when you export timesheets.

Payroll Earnings Code

Enter a payroll earnings code of up to 30 characters. This code will be included in the data when you export timesheets.

Payroll Map Code

Use the drop-down to select a payroll map code. This code is included in the data when you export timesheets.

Rate Options

This group box displays if you are calculating one or both of the rate fields (that is, if you selected the Use check box for Rate 1 or Rate 2 in the User-Defined Rates group box of the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Settings screen). The headings for Rate 1 and Rate 2 are as defined in the Label field. See Concept Topic: Labor Costing for more details.

Rate 1

Fields in this section are not editable in co-deployed installations.

This group box displays if you are calculating Rate 1.

Field Description
Calc Method

Use the drop-down to select a calculation method for Rate 1.


Enter the factor to be used in the Rate 1 calculation. For straight time pay, enter 1.00000 because the employee will be paid at the hourly rate times hours. To calculate time-and-half pay on the same timesheet line, enter 1.50000.  The default value is 1.00000.

Fixed Amount

Enter the fixed amount to be used in the rate 1 calculation. For example, if you need to pay an employee an extra $0.25 per hour on the late shift, set up a cost-only pay type and enter $0.25 in the Fixed Amount field.

Rate 2

This section does not display in co-deployed installations.

This group box displays if you are calculating Rate 2.

Field Description
Calc Method

Use the drop-down to select a calculation method for Rate 2.


Enter the factor to be used in the Rate 2 calculation. For straight time pay, enter 1.00000 because the employee will be paid at the hourly rate times hours. To calculate time-and-half pay on the same timesheet line, enter 1.50000.  The default value is 1.00000.

Fixed Amount

Enter the fixed amount to be used in the rate 2 calculation.


You cannot delete a UDT10 if:

  • It is being used on a timesheet line,
  • It is being used as an overtime UDT10 on another UDT10 code,
  • It is being used as a recast UDT10, or
  • It exists on an expense report.