Contents of the Manage Invoices Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Invoices screen.


Field Description
PO Number

Enter, or click to select, the purchase order associated with the invoice. For previously saved invoice, this field displays the subcontract purchase order associated with the invoice.


Enter, or click to select, the release number of the subcontract purchase order associated with the invoice. For previously saved invoice, this field displays the release number of the subcontract PO associated with the invoice.

Change Order

This field is used to display the type of change order number associated with the PO/Release.

PO Type

This field displays the type of PO associated with the PO/Release.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for the invoice. The value in this field is the PO header transaction currency code corresponding to the PO/Rlse.


This field displays the terms used for the invoice.

Shipment Number

Enter, or click to select, the shipment number for which the invoice is being created.  This field is only used to load the PO lines associated with the shipment into the voucher lines. This field is available for new invoices and will be unavailable for previously saved invoices.

Note: The Submit for Approval field is a hidden field that updates to "Y" when you select Approved on this screen. To be able to confirm the value of this option, you need to see the invoice approval history.
Field Description
2-Way Match PO Line

If a new invoice results in the PO line being fully invoiced/vouchered, Costpoint updates the PO line status from Open to System Closed. This applies to updated PO line/invoiced quantity/amount, regardless of the approval status. If an update to the PO line results to the PO line not being fully invoiced/vouchered, the PO line status changes from System Closed to Open.

3-Way Match PO Line

If an invoice approval creates a condition where both parties (payer/supplier) have approved the invoice, and the invoice vouchered, Costpoint updates the PO line status to System Closed, and make the PO line close date equal to the transaction date of the receipt associated with the autocreated invoice/voucher. A new invoice or update to an invoice will not impact the PO line status because this application does not create receipts, which happens when the invoice is fully approved.

Digital Signature

If the digital signature option is enabled for the PO vendor associated with the invoice, the Approved check box cannot be edited. The approval will have to be done by using the digital signature menu options at the top of the screen.


This application ensures data security by matching the PO vendor ID with the vendor ID on the company where the user is logged in and will only display POs that pass the vendor ID validation. For organization security, the new screen will only show data from POs with a buyer’s organization ID that the user is authorized for based on the organization security profile linked to the organization security group associated with the user ID. Once this organization security has been established, Costpoint will display all PO lines/delivery lines regardless of rights to projects and organization rights at the account distribution level.

Email Alerts

This application sends an email notification to the payer whenever a supplier approves an existing invoice, adds a note to an existing invoice, or modifies an invoice, and Invoice Email Notification is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen. Costpoint sends one email per invoice number/voucher number combination, and within the email is a link that takes payer approver to the Approve Subcontractor Invoices screen (for unappoved invoice) or the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (for approved invoice). The email notification also contains the approval history for the invoice.


Field Description

Enter the invoice number associated with the supplier invoice.


Enter, or click to select, the invoice date referenced in the supplier's invoice. The initial value of this field is the current date.


This field displays the sum of the invoice amounts of all the invoice lines. The initial value of this field is the sum of invoice amounts from all the invoice lines.

Amount Paid This field displays the amount already paid on the voucher. The value displayed is equal to the sum of amount paid for all the invoice lines.
Note: The Amount Paid and Payment Status fields are added in Costpoint 8.2.12. If you are in Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.
Invoice Control No

This field displays the invoice control number. The invoice control number is the unique identifier of the invoice. It must be unique by fiscal year across all invoices. After approval, this becomes the voucher number. For the new invoice you entered as a supplier or new invoice created based on Time & Expense data, this number is system assigned.

Payment Status This field displays the payment status for the invoice, which can be one of the following:
  • Pending
  • Unpaid
  • Partially Paid
  • Paid
For new records, the default payment status is Pending.

Click this button to load the voucher lines. The autoload function is applicable only to new invoices you entered as a supplier or new invoices created based on Time & Expense data. For manually entered invoice, the function loads the voucher lines based on PO lines. This loads PO lines with a status of Open, Closed, or System Closed.  If a Shipment is entered in the header, only load PO lines linked to the shipment. For invoices created based on labor and expense information calculated from staging tables, the voucher lines are loaded.


Subtask Description
Timesheet Information Click this link to display the timesheet information that has been exported from Deltek Time & Expense and stored in Costpoint staging tables.
Expense Information Click this link to display the expense information that has been exported from Time & Expense and stored in Costpoint staging tables.
Timesheet Exclusions Click this link to open the Timesheet Exclusions subtask.
Expense Exclusions Click this link to display expense rows that were excluded from the invoice.
Invoice Approval History Click this link to display a history of approval action changes made to the invoice by the supplier.
Receipts Click this link to match invoice quantities to existing receipts when the Match Type is 3 and the Match Option is set to INDIV.
Vendor Labor Click this link to view and/or edit information relating to the total hours and cost amount charged against the various labor categories for the given invoice line.
Vendor Expense Reports Click this link to enter and/or view summary expense report information associated with the subcontractor invoice line selected on the main screen.
Payments Click this link to view check and EFT payments related to the invoice.
Note: The Payment subtask is added in Costpoint 8.2.12. If you are in Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.

Invoice Lines

Field Description
Invoice Line

The invoice line number is the Costpoint identifier for a line on the invoice. It is a sequential number assigned by Costpoint to track the line items of the subcontractor invoice. You can have an unlimited number of lines on an invoice. Costpoint increments this field automatically. As you insert or delete lines from the invoice, line numbers renumber sequentially.

PO Line

Enter, or click to select, the purchase order line number against which you are invoicing. After you enter a purchase order line, existing purchase order and receipt information display on the invoice line. Leave this field blank if you are invoicing for miscellaneous costs not identified on the purchase order or work assignment.


This field displays the entered item of the purchase order line.

Item Rev

This field displays the entered item revision of the purchase order line.

Misc Type

Enter, or click to select, a valid miscellaneous charge type. The type must already be established on the Manage Line Charge Types screen. This indicates the type of charge that is being invoiced. Examples include freight, tooling, and training. You should enter and charge a miscellaneous type only when a purchase order line has not been entered, indicating that a miscellaneous charge is being invoiced. An invoice line against a purchase order line of type M has a miscellaneous type, but it cannot be changed.


The item description of the work assignment charge line entered displays in this field. If you have entered a purchase order line, this field cannot be changed. For miscellaneous lines that are not tied to the purchase order, you can enter a description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the assembly part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export Administration Regulations.

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate if the part you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and if you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

  • Unrestricted: This indicates that the part is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted: This indicates that the part is subject to data security restrictions and you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED***: This indicates that the part is subject to data security restrictions and you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value displays with a red background color.
Line Type

The line type of the purchase order line entered displays in this field. The line type is based on the type of part that was ordered for this purchase order line. The Costpoint-defined types are:

  • P: This indicates that the item invoiced is a part that exists on the Manage Parts screen.
  • G: This indicates that the item invoiced is a good that exists on the Manage Goods screen.
  • S: This indicates that the item invoiced is a service that exists on the Manage Services screen.
  • M: This indicates that the item invoiced is a miscellaneous item. It is not a part, good, or service. The Item field is left blank and only a Description and a Misc Type display.
Work Assignment

Enter, or click to select, the work assignment for the purchase order line for which this invoice line is being created.

Charge Line

Enter, or click to select, the work assignment charge line for the purchase order line for which this invoice line is being created.

Match Type

The type of matching required for this invoice line displays in this field and cannot be edited. The matching type was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered. On the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc, or Parts) is assigned a match type:

  • 2: This indicates that there will be two-way matching between the purchase order quantity and the invoice quantity.
  • 3: This indicates that there will be three-way matching between the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity, and the invoice quantity.

For miscellaneous purchase order lines, you can change the match type at the purchase order line.

Match Option

The match option required for this invoice line displays in this field and cannot be edited. The match option was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered. On the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc, or Parts) has been assigned a match option:

  • INDIV (Individual): This indicates that the invoice quantities will be matched against individual receipt accepted quantities.
  • TOTAL (Total): This indicates that the invoice quantities will be matched against the total purchase order line accepted quantity.

This match option applies only to the three-way match type. For the two-way match type, the match option is always TOTAL. For miscellaneous purchase order lines, you can change the match option at the purchase order line.

Inv Abbrev

The inventory abbreviation displays if a purchase order line was entered for an inventory part and the purchase order line had an inventory abbreviation. This field defaults from the purchase order line and cannot be edited.

Invoice Quantity

Enter the quantity, in ordering units of measure, being invoiced. This field is required when a purchase order line has been entered where the quantity ordered for that purchase order line is greater than zero. If the purchase order line for this invoice line had a zero quantity ordered, this field can be zero. If you enter a negative quantity on a three-way individual matched line, a warning displays if you attempt to leave the line without matching receipts on the Receipts subtask. After you load the Receipts subtask, all receipts for that purchase order line display, including those that have already been matched.

Invoice Unit Cost

Enter the unit cost for the item being invoiced. This is the actual cost of one unit of the item. The net unit cost from the purchase order line will default, but it can be changed if necessary. If the purchase order line Ordered Quantity is zero, this field cannot be edited.

Invoice Ext Amount

If the purchase order line does not have a quantity ordered, you must enter the amount being invoiced for this invoice line. If the Invoice Quantity is greater than zero, Costpoint calculates the invoice extended amount automatically. The calculation is Invoice Quantity times Invoice Unit Cost.

Line Charge Cost Amount

The amount of all line charges applied to this invoice line, through the Line Charges subtask, displays in this field and can only be maintained via the Line Charges subtask. This amount does not include any sales or use tax applied to the charge type. Charge type examples include freight, tooling, and training. These costs become part of the total cost of this invoice line.

Total Before Discount Amt

Costpoint automatically calculates the total before discount amount. The calculation follows: Invoice Ext Amount plus Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Line Charge Cost Amount plus Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amount. This field does not include any applicable use tax amounts and cannot be edited.

Discount Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the discount amount. The calculation follows: Total Before Discount Amt times the Percent field in the Discount group box from the Header Info tab. This field cannot be edited.

Total After Discount Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the total after discount amount. The calculation is Total Before Discount Amt less Discount Amount.

PO Line Status

This field displays the Status from the purchase order line on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. Possible values are:

  • C (Closed): This indicates that this line has been closed and no further processing will occur.
  • O (Open): This indicates that this line is open and ready for receipts and invoices to be entered against it.
  • S (System Closed): This indicates that this line has been closed by Costpoint, either fully received or fully vouchered, depending on the type of matching.

After you save the invoice, Costpoint updates this status on the purchase order line. (If the invoice is retrieved and viewed again, the status may have changed.)

Ordered Quantity

This field displays the Quantity for this purchase order line, from the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Order U/M

This field displays the U/M (unit of measure) for this purchase order line from the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Order Unit Cost

This field displays the Net Unit Cost for this purchase order line from the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Ordered Amount

This field displays the Ext Cost Amount for this purchase order line from the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Received Quantity

This field displays the total received quantity for this purchase order line.

Received Amount

This field displays the total received amount for this purchase order line.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the total accepted quantity for this purchase order line.

Accepted Amount

This field displays the total accepted amount for this purchase order line.

The following Rejected Quantity and Rejected Amount fields are calculated based on the Rejected Quantity for the purchase order line and the rejection order/payment disposition value from one of the following screens in Receiving:

  • The Rej Order/Pmt Disposition field on the Manage Purchase Order Receipts screen
  • The Order/Pmt Disposition field on the Manage Vendor Returns screen
  • The Order/Pmt Disposition field on the Rejection Info subtask of the Manage Quality Control Inspections screen
Rejected Quantity To Pay

This field displays the total rejected quantity to pay for this purchase order line. This quantity is added to the Accepted Quantity in the calculation for three-way matching.

Rejected Quantity To Replace

This field displays the total rejected quantity to be replaced for this purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity To Credit

This field displays the total rejected quantity to be credited for this purchase order line.

Rejected Amt To Pay

This field displays the total rejected amount to pay for this purchase order line. This amount is added to the Accepted Amount in the calculation for three-way matching. This field is calculated as Rejected Quantity – Pay * Order Unit Cost.

Rejected Amt To Replace

This field displays the total rejected amount to be replaced for this purchase order line. This field is calculated as Rejected Quantity – Replace * Order Unit Cost.

Rejected Amt To Credit

This field displays the total rejected amount to be credited for this purchase order line. This field is calculated as Rejected Quantity – Credit * Order Unit Cost.

Desired Date

This field displays the Desired Date from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for this purchase order line.

Due Date

This field displays the Due Date from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for this purchase order line.

Manufacturer Part

This field displays the Manufacturer Part from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for this purchase order line.

Mfg Rev

This field displays the Mfg Rev (manufacturer part revision) from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for this purchase order line.

Vendor Part

This field displays the Vendor Part from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for this purchase order line.

Vend Rev

This field displays the Vend Rev (vendor part revision) from the Manage Purchase Orders screen for this purchase order line.


Enter notes related to the selected purchase order invoice line. (Any purchase order line notes entered on the Manage Purchase Orders screen display in this field.)

Vend Lab Tot Hrs

This field displays the vendor labor total hours.

Vend Lab Tot Amt

This field displays vendor labor total amount.

Charge Line Description The item description of the work assignment charge line entered displays in this field. If you have entered a purchase order line, this field cannot be changed. For miscellaneous lines that are not tied to the purchase order, you can enter a description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Total Sales/VAT Tax Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the total sales tax or VAT amount. The calculation follows: Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax


Total Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the total amount. The calculation follows: Total After Discount Amount plus Total Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Total Use/Reverse Tax Amt.

Payment Schedule Code This field displays the payment schedule code used in this line.
Payment Schedule This checkbox is selected if a payment schedule record exists for the purchase order line in the Payment Schedule subtask.
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.


Subtask Description
Receipts Click this link to open the Receipts subtask to match invoice quantities to existing receipts.
Vendor Labor Click this link to open the Vendor Labor subtask to view and/or edit information relating to the total hours and cost amount charged against the various labor categories for the given invoice line.
Vendor Expense Reports Click this link to open the Vendor Expense Reports subtask to enter and/or view summary expense report information associated with the selected invoice line.
Payment Schedule Click this link to view information related to the payment schedule of the purchase order lines.