Contents of the Clear Timesheets Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Clear Timesheets screen.
Field | Description |
Timesheet Period |
Use the to select a timesheet period from the grid. Available selections include all timesheet periods that contain at least one timesheet. The periods are listed in reverse chronological order with no default. If you change the Timesheet Period value, the Group drop-down is cleared, the employee list is cleared, and the Execute button is disabled until you have made selections. |
Group |
Use the to select an employee group from the grid. All groups that you supervise, that have members with timesheets for the selected timesheet period are available in the drop-down box. The groups are listed by description in alphabetical order. If you change the employee Group value, the employee list is cleared and the icon is disabled until you have made a selection. |
Last Name |
Enter the last name of the employee whose timesheet you want to clear. |
ID |
Use the to Lookup the ID for the employee whose timesheet you want to clear. |
Field | Description |
Employee |
All employees that have a timesheet in the selected Group and for the selected timesheet Period display alphabetically in the list. Select the employees whose timesheets you want to delete. You can select multiple employees. If Costpoint is configured to show employee IDs, the ID display in parentheses after the employee name in the Employees list. |
Clear Timesheet |
Select the icon to delete the selected employee timesheets. the confirmation message: "Are you sure you want to delete this timesheet(s)?" displays. Select Yes to delete rows in the following tables: