Manage Standard Bills

Use this screen to review standard bills that have been generated by the Calculate Standard Bills screen.

You can use this screen to make adjustments to retainage and over ceiling amounts before printing and posting the bills. These bills have been formatted per your specifications in screens such as Manage Generic Billing Formats and Manage Project Billing Information. 

When editing your bills, you must observe certain rules and conditions. The Allow User to Edit Bills check box, on the Setup Information tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen, must be selected.

When editing your bills, you cannot add additional billing lines; you can modify only existing lines produced by the Calculate Standard Bills computations. Complete modifications on this screen's Detail subtask. The fields available for edit vary, depending on the line type. For example, if the line type is Cost, the Pool Number and Pool Rate columns are available. Editing is also restricted to the parent, or actual, bill; you cannot modify supporting or backup-only bills. However, edits "cascade" from the parent or actual bill into the supporting or backup when you perform the recalculation on the Detail subtask. Any modifications that are made to direct amounts do not automatically flow to the burden or fee amounts; you must modify these amounts manually. After making your edits, recalculating the bill on the Detail subtask modifies the fields in the Invoice Amount Due group box on the Totals tab.

In the header of the screen, basic information such as project, customer, invoice number, invoice date, billing period, due date, and amount are provided. The lower part of the screen provides detail by billing line for items such as quantity, rate, current and ITD amounts, and Ceilings.

After you view and, if necessary, modify your standard bills, you can print and post them using the Print Standard Bills and Post Standard Bills screens, respectively. You can also use the Manage Standard Bills screen to modify the status of your bills. You can print your bills while they are in an Unselected or Selected Status, but only Selected bills can be posted.

Costpoint Multicurrency users have additional columns and subtasks to allow for easy use of multicurrency billing. Multicurrency amounts are not calculated for hold, remaining, or write-off amounts. These amounts are calculated only in your company's functional currency.

Use this screen after you run the Calculate Standard Bills screen, but before you print the final bills. Note that this screen is not mandatory, but is recommended as part of your internal quality control procedures.

This screen has four tabs:

  • Standard Billing Info: Use this tab to view an invoice summary and information on the posting of the bill. You cannot edit this tab if the Allow User to Edit Bills check box is cleared on the Setup Information tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen, you can change only the header of the actual bill.
  • Header: Use this tab to view an invoice summary, and information on the posting of the bill.
  • Totals: Use this tab to view the invoice totals, retainage, sales tax, and customer funding responsibility percentage. You can also modify the other charges.
  • Addresses: Use this tab to review and modify the bill-to and remit-to addresses that appear on the bill.
Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.