Compare Project Ledger to General Ledger

Use this toolkit to compare the project ledger to the general ledger.

After selecting a fiscal year and ending period, the toolkit sums the Amt field from GL_POST_SUM and compares it to the sum of the SUB_DIR_AMT field from PROJ_SUM. The application writes any differences to the Z_PJPTOOL_ERRORS table and displays them on this screen. Amounts are written from GL_POST_SUM to PROJ_SUM during the Compute Burden Costs process. PROJ_SUM is the focal point for many of the project processes. If you posted a transaction after closing the month or if burden was not computed for all periods, transaction amounts may be missing from PROJ_SUM.

This toolkit alerts you to the projects and the periods that may be missing transaction amounts. It disregards project accounts such as accounts receivable and unbilled that normally appear in GL_POST_SUM but not PROJ_SUM. The toolkit does not consider the prior year project ledger (PSR_PY_SUM); therefore, you can execute it only for fiscal years in which you have PROJ_SUM data.

For any projects that do not reconcile, you need to compute burden for the period(s) listed to write the transaction amount(s) to PROJ_SUM. Also, you need to compute burden for the latest period to correct the year-to-date amounts. You do not have to compute burden for the periods in between unless you want to print Project Status Reports for those periods.

Run this toolkit monthly, before computing revenue, as part of your financial closing process. This ensures that PROJ_SUM contains all transaction amounts before the revenue process goes any further.

Use the Fiscal Year and Ending Period to select the fiscal year and ending period to be compared.