Billing for Units

You can accomplish billing for units via three separate types of invoices: Standard Bills, Customer Product Bills, and Project Product Bills.

Standard Bills

To bill units using the standard bills process, follow the same steps as for non-unit standard bills. You must complete the screens in the Controls menu in Costpoint Billings, including Manage Remittance Addresses, Manage Billing Cycles, and Manage Billing User Groups. On the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, you can include units on any bill by using UNITS as the Line Type. This may cause multiple lines, representing each of the different units, to be printed on the bill, even though there is only one line on the billing format. Complete the Unit subtask (of the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen) to customize the information that prints on the bill. If you are using the standard 1035 format, each unique unit/revision combination automatically prints on a separate line.

Complete the Manage Project Billing Information screen with a transaction-based billing formula before posting any unit usage. This enables the Manage Open Billing Detail screen to be populated with unit transactions when unit usage is posted. Note that if you select the Unit Price Transactions Only billing formula, Manage Open Billing Detail is populated only with unit transactions. Any items designated in the CLINs as automatic billing quantities do not appear on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen, but are still included on the bill.

Unit transactions are posted to Manage Open Billing Detail in the fiscal year and period in which they have been entered on the Manage Unit Usage screen. However, it is the usage date, as entered for each line in the Manage Unit Usage screen, that determines the price that is used in the billing and revenue computations.

Initialize the Manage Open Billing Detail screen with any unit transactions that have been posted but not included on a bill. The Transaction Type must be UNITS, and only the header data and Units group box require completion on the main screen. Additionally, you must complete the Units tab to provide additional data for the unit transactions.

For prior billed amounts, complete the Manage Billing History screen with summary unit transactions. The Transaction Type must be UNITS, and you must complete the Units group box and the Amount Billed field. For each project, organization, and account, you may find it helpful to enter one record for each unique CLIN or catalog, item, item revision, and unit price combination.

The remaining steps of the billing process, such as calculating, modifying, printing, and posting, are the same as for non-unit-based bills.

Customer Product Bills

If you have manual unit bills by customer to enter, print, and post, enter them in this screen. You can also enter discounts, sales tax, and other charges. The Calculate Standard Bills program does not update this screen, nor do amounts and units entered through this screen update the billing history tables. Because bills entered via this screen are manual, the ceiling and automatic billing quantity features are not in effect here. When you post, only the A/R History and G/L Detail tables are updated with these invoice amounts.

Because Customer Product Bills do not use a project number, you must use the price catalogs to default the item information into the screen. Following entry, you can modify, print, and post the bills in their respective screens, just like the standard bills.

Project Product Bills

Project Product Bills are similar to Customer Product Bills in their general capabilities. They differ from Customer Product Bills, in that Project Product Bills can use either the price catalogs or the CLINs, although Customer Product Bills can use only the price catalogs. For Project Product Bills, use either source for different lines on the same invoice.