Update Project Status Report Tables

Use this screen to update the Project Summary Report Final Data table from the Project Summary table.

The PSR Final Data table stores the data used to print the Project Status Report (PSR). Commitment information in PSR Final Data is copied from the PO Commitment Summary table.

You must run this utility before you can print PSR Reports. The application updates rows in this table according to your criteria.

This application also updates the fiscal year and period values on the Configure Contract Management Settings and Configure Opportunity Settings screens if the fiscal year and period values in this application are later than those that exist in Configure Contract Management Settings and Configure Opportunity Settings. The values on the Configure Contract Management Settings screen are updated whether or not the Use Accounting Period Below option is selected on the screen. The values on the Configure Opportunity Settings screen are updated only when the Use Accounting Period Below option is selected on that screen.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.