Pool Base Subtask
Use this subtask to select the accounts and organizations that are burdened with the rates in the project budget template row highlighted in the main screen.
If an account/org is included in the pool base, it is burdened when the account/org is entered in the project budgeting process. You can also build the pool by using the Import Pools to Burden Template process. If you are budgeting using the same accounts and orgs that are in your current pool bases, the Import Pools to Burden Template screen may be the most efficient way to build your pool bases for budgeting purposes.
Table Window
to add a line to the table. Click the
OK button when table data is correct for this template/fiscal year/pool combination.
Field | Description |
Account Wildcard |
Enter an account or create an account wildcard. These accounts are applied with the budget rate and, if applicable, the COM Rate from the selected burden template row on the main screen. Wildcards in Costpoint are % and _. Click the Entry Options button to view a guide to these symbols. You can enter an account wildcard or enter each individual account for the pool base.
To review a list of available accounts, click the Sample Accounts button. |
Organization Wildcard |
Enter an organization or create an organization wildcard. These organizations are applied with the budget rate and, if applicable, the COM Rate from the selected burden template row in the main screen. Wildcards in Costpoint are % and _. Click the Entry Options button to access a guide to these symbols. You can also enter each organization and account combination.
To review a list of available organizations, click the Sample Orgs button. |
Allocation Account |
This column displays the account from the previous row by default; you can also enter a different account. The account entered receives indirect charges or burden amounts. For a fringe benefit pool, the allocation account can be a labor fringe account for all labor or for specific labor categories. If this account is in the base of a cost pool, you must enter the allocation account as a base account in the later cost pool being set up. |
Allocation Organization |
This column displays the organization from the previous row by default; you can also enter a different organization. The organization entered receives the indirect charges or burden amounts. For a fringe benefit pool, the allocation account can be a labor fringe account for all labor or for specific labor categories. If this organization is in the base of a cost pool, you must enter the allocation organization as a base organization in the later cost pool being set up. |
Sample Accounts |
Click this button to populate the Sample Accounts table in this screen. Use this list to review the accounts included in your wildcard selection. Leave the Starting String for Sample Display dialog box blank and all accounts display in this table. |
Sample Organizations |
Click this button to populate the Sample Organizations table in this screen. Use this list to review the organizations included in your wildcard selection. Leave the Starting String for Sample Display dialog box blank and all organizations display in this table. |
Subtask | Description |
Wildcard Option | Click this link to review the wildcard settings used in Costpoint. Use this guide to enter the wildcard codes to include the accounts and organizations for this template. Use the Sample Accounts and Sample Organizations tables to review accounts and organizations included with your wildcard settings. |
Import Pool Base | Click this link to choose a pre-existing allocation group. Allocation groups are created on the Manage Allocation Groups screen and are maintained on the Manage Cost Pools screen. Allocation groups contain a pool name, type and number, fiscal year, and default credit account and organization. |
- Related Topics:
- Import Pool Base Subtask
Use this subtask to select a pre-existing allocation group for use in project budgeting.